Crysis 3 turned into a Parody

Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 10:06 am

Click:What lessons have you learned from Crysis 2's multiplayer?

AD: I think the big thing for us is accessibility was a big part of Crysis 2 multiplayer. So a lot of feedback we were seeing was people coming into the environment and it was quite an overwhelming experience to go into first of all. So we took a look at what we could do to have entry level players come in and actually enjoy the experience right from the first game. So what we’ve done with the Nanosuit for multiplayer is we’ve decoupled the various types of energy you will use. [i]So we’ve removed sprint energy as a concept, so now it’s player’s utilising the Nanosuit and all power abilities.
They can sprint, power jump, ledge grap, rip up signs, kick cars, all that stuff, without using suit energy. But then you have the stealth abilities, which is more the support abilities where they can use that energy bar. But after they’ve used all that, they can then go into a firefight on a level playing field. So they can turn up to a firefight with the same amount of health and armour as a guy who was waiting. So one thing we noticed with Crysis 2 was anyone who sprinted to a firefight would die (hmm, no??), because they were essentially eating into their armour so we’ve decoupled that to prevent that and create a cleaner, crisper and more user friendly experience.[/i]

Crytek, you do realize that every single player is now going to turn the game into a ghost town seeing how cloak is favourised. With Crysis 2, you have that option of customizing either to a cloak, cloak/armor or armor build. I can already see that Crysis 3 won't have that kind of strategy anymore just so it can be more "user friendly". If it's your way of creating a more "original" gamestyle and differentiate C3 from C2 then there's not much hope left for the franchise. People won't have a choice but to use cloak. Sprinting, jumping, ledge grabing endlessly with no limit? Where are the fun tactics in that?

Click:How are you striking the balance between the unlocks and perks that you earn so that new players can still come in and stand a fighting chance?

AD: So we have the default classes which you guys played today. Obviously we will have customisation options. We are front loading a lot of the unlocks this time. So new players in the first couple of hours will have unlocked an infinitely wider variety of weapons and modules. So anyone can use the default classes, which will have weapons that are available later in the progression system, and then also have a wide range of customisable classes. So the playing field should be flattened considerably. We’ve also taken a look at some of the modules that were favoured in Crysis 2 and thought to ourselves, “hey, everyone’s using this stealth enhancement, which makes the suit last longer when cloaking.” So the energy consumption of stealth is now less so you can use it for longer. And then the same with mobility where you had people making sprint energy last longer. We’ve now integrated that into the suit.

Oh no you didn't. In my experience, all the perks are somewhat balanced and fun to play with. It isn't JUST stealth enhancement or mobility enhancement that people use.. Wait, you're probably talking about all those players who still think that running carelessly with cloak is the ONLY best viable option for them to be efficient. Well let them figure it out by themselves, don't penalize the more experienced players with that easier and simpler playstyle.

Basically, i'm just reconsidering buying C3 at all. It's going to turn into a total noobfest from the look of it
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:36 pm

^agree, they mention the guy who was waiting and the guy who was running, both have an equal chance in winning, that's like smashing someones testicles over a salt pile with lemon juice and is something that should never be considered, let alone as "balanced". Even in C2 there was a sense of tactical gameplay , save your energy use it well, dont run into a room without a fully charged energy bar, it was take your time and think premises, but dont take it wrong, im not promoting camping more or less, you should have easily balanced it with a minimal impact on energy with sprint. This isnt exclusive to Crysis 2 either, in Crysis, you sacrificed tremendous energy to sprint a short distance, and posed the threat of no armor to defend yourself with.

Crytek single handedly made the game a run and gun, i can understand where sprint could be separated, but cloak and armor NEED to be different, armor needs a buff, and Cloak needs a nerf, Crytek, if you really want to make a predator game, make it so they MUST walk to cloak and if they must run, take a tremendous hit on energy, that way players must think before they take off.

Armor should reflect your energy bar, you can take say amount of bullets until your energy wheres off, then your vulnerable, but it seems you took the kevlar vest approach, which makes no sense in practice. The vest approach failes under sub par weapons as the feline and scarab where as these weapons should have a harder time, it almost indistinguishable, only heavy ordinance weapons should have a chance with armor.

Im quite sad to hear they want cloaksis 3, i was wishing for more variety, but it seems they want a predator game, everyone get ready to use nanovision 98% of the round.
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Marine x
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:43 pm

^^^or just make armor and stealth mode into one bar just like in the SP, problem solve

stealth does not need a nerf, armor needs a buff tho
make it like C1 where the player has to kill of the bar before the health...and that that
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:00 pm

Frankly, I like these changes. You are entitled to your opinions and they are perfectly legitimate, but I just thought i'd point out there's AT LEAST one Crysis 1 veteran who likes the way Crysis 3 is starting to go.

Now I just need a sprint in all directions...
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:24 pm

I don't want to insult anyone... but seriously, whose sick brain came up with the idea of distributing the powers?
This is ridiculous. I completely agree with OP.
The energy distribution completely removes the strategy part of your play-style.
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:28 am

I agree. Just make it a seperate gamemode where noobs can run around with unlimited energy. I want my energy management gameplay.

Who's idea was this? I mean no one in the community has ever suggested such a thing. If anything they wanted cloak nerfs.

I think they jumped on the "Hunter" bandwagon too fast for the MP.
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:55 pm

people need to stop and think,
a Game without Dept is a game that wont last long...

look at Counter strike...with its money/Buying system
it looks simple and sound simple
but if you start asking Pro about tips
they start talking about
when you should save money, when you should start buying weapons
and what weapons should be bought at each rounds
and so on....there so much into this simple system....

now C1, had some dept to its Eng level
you had one bar for all powers, I'm sure you guys understand the dept that goes into that.

now c3, what dept is there?
you guys hate the fact that C2 was all about Stealth but love the fact that now players will not get punish for using it?

in that case why not just make Armor/Sprint/power all modes that are auto on
and just leave stealth as the Second mode to switch too...

C3 needs to has dept or it will be drop.
they needs to be a risk and reward system....or this game will fail in Mp again.
History will become the future again.

I'm just saying that Stealth and Armor should be One Bar together
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:59 am

I dont know who had this idea at Crytek, but i never thought they could made something worse than the nanosuit 2 mode management.

remove the sprint energy ? still give a rudiculous sprint speed like in Crysis 2 ? a human can sprint as fast as your nanosuit sprint. ( or the BF3 human sprint look as fast as this failed nanosuit 2 speed mode )
Thats so hylarious.
Using sperate energy bar ? nice nanosuit mode killing. Congratz.

Crysis 1 nanosuit speed sprint management was just perfect.
enabling speed mode :
* gave a extra speed for the normal movement
* gave a real speed sprint speed : 24m/s VS 9m/s in Crysis 2
* was allowing speed mode dodging
* was allowing to rush to the AI and make them fly away ( yes i was really fun )
Disabling speed mode :
* have back the human sprint who do not consume energy

Why change a perfect system for something who just look wrong since Crysis 2 ? i really dont understand.

Is because you put your game on console that you CANT made a on / off speed mode AND a normal sprint ? what the problem oO
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Andy durkan
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:10 am

Though I agree C2 cloak was slightly OP, cloak enhance blows the whole thing out of proportions and definitely makes it OP, why should i need to limit my DOF to see someone who does not? In other word have nanovision, this is my opinion, remove nanovision, remove stealth enhance and make cloak have a noise.
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Batricia Alele
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:53 am

you guys hate the fact that C2 was all about Stealth but love the fact that now players will not get punish for using it?

What? We never mentioned C2 was all about stealth. On the contrary, it's well diversified IMO. We love the fact that now players will not get punish for using it? Again, you're saying the opposite of what I meant.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:51 pm

you guys hate the fact that C2 was all about Stealth but love the fact that now players will not get punish for using it?

What? We never mentioned C2 was all about stealth. On the contrary, it's well diversified IMO. We love the fact that now players will not get punish for using it? Again, you're saying the opposite of what I meant.
was not talk about your post,
it was talking to people who like this set up

in my view i wont care for mp.
all the mp that is coming out right now in this gen all are just Cod formats

atleast in Sp, Stealth and cloak are one bar.

if i ever come around getting this game cause i simple dont have plans for that

right now Hitman, Dishonor, forza, and AC3 (SP) is all i care for this year

and if Crysis 3 is Origin only
that will forever mean i not buying it
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:24 pm

Though I agree C2 cloak was slightly OP, cloak enhance blows the whole thing out of proportions and definitely makes it OP, why should i need to limit my DOF to see someone who does not? In other word have nanovision, this is my opinion, remove nanovision, remove stealth enhance and make cloak have a noise.
Cloak was never OP. How does cloak enhance make it even worse? Everthing is at your disposal to counter cloak if you're not able to spot it even without perks or such. All is well balanced.
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:50 am

if this infinite jumping will be in game when its relased, all players will become hopping bunnies
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sally R
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:29 pm

I have 0 complains about the new suit (specially if it is true the quarter mile in 15 seconds with the sprint).

Instead of being a pain in the ass for everyone to keep a look on the energy bar all the time instead of paying attention to the field. Now it doesn′t matter the situation, no one will play with advatages because someone wasted all his energy rushing to the battle or things like that.

Think about it this way, now 2 players enter in combat, both enable armor mode, for both players the TTK increases and they still can run freely.

What′s so bad about it? At least for me, nothing. It′s just a more straight and simple setting that gives faster gameplay and higher TTK.
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:12 pm

^^^its not about the sprint
its about about both stealth and armor having their own Bar
its about the gameplay become even more "Noob" Friendly
its about the game losing Risk/ Reward
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Danger Mouse
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:10 pm

Your biggest concern is about stealth, but you fail to see that stealth makes you weak as a piece of paper and when you are cloaked you can′t tell if someone knows you are there until he shoots.

Players either with good eyes, that turn nanovision on and off, use the stealth dectection module or that come from behind and hear the "prrrrzzzzz" of the suit will finish a cloaked player before he knows what happened.
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:02 pm

yeaa but he just press "Armor mode" and have a nice Full bar of Eng for it... even tho i just ran a min if stealth mode.

running with stealth than jumping and switching to armor mode...with no negative...and those who decide to be smart, wait/// yea trying to use your eng smart?....for what? cause now you able was able to run across a field with NP and have a full bar of Eng for armor

this game has a good chance that it will turn into a NV default view
cause your "przzzz" (Which on the 360 you could not even hear that easy with the noise going around you)
by the time you turn around he already press "Armor mode".
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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:18 pm

Both of Mjr. Strickland's posts sum up my thoughts perfectly, but I'll elaborate a little deeper:

Cloak Mode
-risk: Weak as hell: Die in like two shots. Also, if it works like in C2, Armor mode's protection actually takes like 2 seconds to kick in when switching from Cloak, making you a glass cannon. Still rather visible for experienced players who are paying attention.
-reward: Reduced visibility.

Armor Mode
-risk: Super visible. You glow shiny colors and everyone's gonna know if you're there! Also, if it works like in C2, your mobility is somewhat reduced, which further helps experienced players land bullet after bullet on you with ease.
-reward: Reduced incoming damage.

Tactical Mode
-risk: visibility/durability compromise. Neither invisible nor glowy, neither armored nor glass cannon.
-reward: Both modes will recharge their energy. Also, your mobility isn't reduced like in Armor mode whilst avoiding the "running glass cannon" situation of Cloak.

I seriously do NOT know how the hell more armor time or more cloak time is OP in any way?

IMO it only serves to make the players feel more "free" and "unrestricted", which is something I absolutely love. It's not like cloakers are invisible at all...
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neil slattery
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:14 am

...with my game time, Cloak was God
i was able to kill not one but 2-3 armor nano suit
and that cause i had no suit eng for image what i "Not being this Pro from another world" can do with full stealth and full armor

and i dont shoot from 5 feet away but from angles and mid range shots

in SP you have both Stealth and Armor under one Bar, that is how mp should be
from my playtime Cloak was God that simple

you looking it at your skill level but most people are just to "Blind" to see cloak cause they are mindlessly running around the map as well..
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:36 pm

That just, as you say, depends to everyone′s skill level.

On my game, F.E.A.R., where I should be one of the 20 best we can play as stealthy as we want because we know how to make almost no sound at all while walking around the map without drop our speed even a little, so we can hunt players of lower skill and kill them instantly with punches (yes, that game also has 1 hit kill unarmed, and much more developed btw).

It′s unfair for those who don′t know how to do it? Yes.
Should we stop doing it just because other players can′t use our same skills? No.
Does it become an unfair fight with 2 people who know how to use it? Not at all, it hads to much deeper gameplay.

Let me post a 1vs1 video (split in 2, with commentary) so you can see how high levels of stealth gameplay makes a match turn into a mental game of chess.

Pay attention to the mental proccesing we go through in the game and you′ll be surprised:

EDIT: Finally I could post them correctly, and no the game doesn′t look that ugly, we just play on almost minimun graphics and high gamma for best gameplay perfomance.

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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:24 pm

If they can't see cloak 'cause they're running mindlessly, that's not a problem of unbalanced game: That's a problem of people svcking at the game.

Seriously, everyone has access to extended cloak and extended armor. Everything is balanced. What's not to love?
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:02 pm

My palm is in my face.
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:47 am

the only thing that this will do is make players like you (if that is you) just become even more powerful not cause of skill increase
but cause the Devs are trying to push noobs into your level they just made you op

now, for me I'm really going to get the most of this
now i can use logic thinking (which your is a lot better than mine lol, i just go by Map flow, fire fights points/and things like that)
to get the jump on people...
use of stealth running...and now using my angles fighting i can now use full armor in battles..
well there only one way to finish this subject......its time for a....BETA testing

......Right, now tho
i just want prone,fist,lean, and Real Speed.
lean is not really needed tho

I'm just trying to Show a more/ Balance suit for all players but really
there is no such thing.

if A: if stealth and armor mode is together, You will still control your eng level at a higher level then everyone

crytek trying to solve that by removing it...
to create a more even playing field but it most probably work ageist them on making that gap even bigger..
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