However, one thing has always elluded me in this games.
They are supposed to be you make the choices, yet they always seem to propell you along a path which forces you to play the anti heroe or semi good guy, I have always been curiouse why for example I could never join the Enclave and help them restore the USA back to America ( or some symblance of what it was), or even join them enough to help them do anything.
The only choice ever given (except in rare very short 1 liner quests) is to destroy them, and ONLY to destroy them. I mean in F3 even if you blow up the brotherhood of steal, you gain no favor with them, and there are no real quests for that entire faction. (Which I might add for such a pivital and ingrained faction with so much hiostory is well.. perpotserous and unheard of, for it not to be in the game)
I think in Fallout 4, the Enclave should make a reapearance and the option be given to carry on for or against them throughout the major main storyline and beyond.
In my opinion this is something that is and has been tragically missing from the series, and a serious design flaw as it negates an entire story arc which would catastrophically change the wasteland, and such change and difference deserves to be explored in depth by the player.