plus take a step back and look how Crytek have handled the PC community as a whole. For us, the faith in them delivering a satisfying product is waning as we speak. This much is obvious if you read the comments section of the article.
Still waiting for their rebuttal on this :rolleyes:
Well, finally back from Cologne after a long week! The show was awesome, lots of positive feedback on both C3 and Warface! The Crysis 3 line was apparently hitting somewhere between 3-5 hour wait during peak times which we're very happy about (Warface was also packed from open to close).
Onto a few stand-out posts...
Crytek is horrible at PR they don't even ask their fan base any ideas or have polls asking the community what they would like to see etc... Doesn't mean they have to do that but at least show some effort.
You mean like the weekly Q&A we host on Crysis Facebook? The online Q&A video sessions at expos? We get a lot of feedback from forums and other places too.
You guys asked for no suit energy drain when sprinting, we did it. You asked for vehicles in MP and we're looking into ways of doing that (like the pilotable Pinger) that doesn't detract from the power of the Nanosuit (which is a more important focus for the Crysis series than vehicular warfare is). Crysis 2 had issues with connectivity so we completely ripped out the backend and put a new one in to solve these underlying service issues. We absolutely take all feedback under consideration.
You can read up on some more MP information in this interview with Adam Duckett, Lead Designer on Crysis 3 MP:
Fire away with any more Q's!

Hmm odd, I must be using the wrong website because I thought gamesas was your site and that place is a ghost town. Even crydev is as well. Care to share where your huge player base is? Such a low turn out in the forum section. Perhaps I am used to this type of community with such active members
As you can see they have live game feeds on 24/7, tournaments for lot's of money + huge player base. I guess you guys got lower standards

I had high expectations for the MP scene in this game. Wanting it to be a E sports title.
Accept you guys seem to be more into like "hey look at are company we can make nice graphics in game" But that's about it.
With such a big response about your booth so active, I would think people would be storming your forums in the Crysis 3 section. But to the contrary its low ~_~?
Very interesting... in the Crysis 3 section forum the highest post of all the topics in that section is
"Bringing the Franchise Back to its Glory Days"
Crytek, it seems that the EA hype is really paying off in the sales. Yet your community is quite small. If you guys were truly a successful game maker you would have hoards of people posting on this forum. Also where are your fan-sites like "Incrysis" ? Incrysis is dead now.