Basically, this Magicka regeneration mod will add a Restore Magicka Ability to your character, based on her/his Willpower score (wheter natural, fortified, damaged, etc.). Simple, lightweight, functional.

Readme below, download at http://www.wolflore.net/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=1553.
The Elder Scrolls III
Simple Magicka Regeneration
1. Description
2. Installation
3. Known Issues
4. Credits and Usage
This is a different take on Magicka regeneration mods.
Instead of using a script to factor in a number of variables and modify the current Magicka of the character, this mod uses a very simple and light script that adds Restore Magicka Abilities, based on the Willpower of the character.
The script only checks the character's Willpower score once every 5 seconds: that's precise enough for this mod function, and avoids slowing down the CPU.
Based on the character's Willpower, the script adds a single Ability that will restore her/his Magicka. Since the effect is costant, the character will regain Magicka even when waiting/resting; generally, just waiting for 1 hour ingame will replenish Magicka to full.
There are 9 "steps" of regeneration.
- Willpower 49 or less: You gain no Magicka regeneration (the same applies for a character with Stunted Magicka: Atronach Birtsign, for example. Though why you would load a mod as this while playing a character with Stunted Magicka is beyond me).
- Willpower 50 to 79: You gain 1 point of Restore Magicka Ability.
- Willpower 80 to 99: You gain 2 points of Restore Magicka Ability.
- Willpower 100 to 119: You gain 3 points of Restore Magicka Ability.
- Willpower 120 to 139: You gain 4 points of Restore Magicka Ability.
- Willpower 140 to 159: You gain 5 points of Restore Magicka Ability.
- Willpower 160 to 179: You gain 6 points of Restore Magicka Ability.
- Willpower 180 to 199: You gain 7 points of Restore Magicka Ability.
- Willpower 200 or above: You gain 8 points of Restore Magicka Ability.
So, any score higher than 200 will give you no benefit. I had to draw the line somewhere, and I think that values above that are unlikely in a normal game (without cheating, that is).
The mod *does* take Fortify Willpower spell effects into consideration, both Costant Effect enchantmens and temporary spells, blessings, or whatever. The same applies for effects that lower Willpower, like Drain/Damage spells, Diseases, and so on.
Since the script checks for changes in the Willpower score only once every 5 seconds, there could be a little delay before the Magicka regeneration is adjusted; I don't think this is a problem, and in my opinion it's a good tradeoff for a much increased performance.
As for balance issues, that's really a matter of personal taste. In my opinion, the rate is decent, without being unbalancing; and it gives Willpower a reason to exist.
Same goes for not using some formula to calculate your total Magicka, and set the Magicka regeneration based on it. In my opinion, Magicka regeneration is fine with an absolute value; it's not like Restore Health potions or spells in the game calculate your total Hitpoints to decide how much they will heal you, isn't it?
All in all, it's a matter of personal preferences.
I generally release mods I make for personal use, first of all: you don't like this, don't use it, simple as that. After all, there are lots of other similar mod out to choose from.
Just drop the plugin in your "Morrowind/Data Files" directory, check it so the game loads it, and you're done.
The mod is clean and only requires Morrowind.
You don't need to start a new game for the mod to work: as soon as you load a game, the new script will start to work its magic (pun intended).
You may still want to backup your saves: it's good policy when you add mods to an existing game, no matter what.
There shouldn't be any problems with this mod: it just adds a start script and 8 Abilities.
Of course, this is most likely NOT compatible with any other mod that adds Magicka regeneration to the player character. This includes mods with a far larger scope, like Galsiah's Character Development (GCD).
As I wrote above, the script is intentionally "slow to react", so you may notice it takes a few seconds for it to "notice" that your Willpower has been fortified or damaged. I don't think this is an issue, anyway.
The idea for this mod came, of course, by the many mods of the same kind out there. More precisely, I started modifing one by Assman a long while ago; only recently I decided I had enough of the script not noticing when I was waiting/resting, and thought of using Abilities instead of scripted changes to current Magicka.
The biggest thanks are for Jac: without his help with the script, this mod wouldn't be out for all to enjoy. My scripting skills are worth a dime, so the script it's pretty much all Jac's work.
And as always, my thanks to the people at Wolflore (http://www.wolflore.net/) for advice, support and just being the way they are. Love you, folks
As for usage terms: do with this as you please, no need to ask me (well, credit is always nice and costs nothing).
The Elder Scrolls III
Simple Magicka Regeneration
1. Description
2. Installation
3. Known Issues
4. Credits and Usage
This is a different take on Magicka regeneration mods.
Instead of using a script to factor in a number of variables and modify the current Magicka of the character, this mod uses a very simple and light script that adds Restore Magicka Abilities, based on the Willpower of the character.
The script only checks the character's Willpower score once every 5 seconds: that's precise enough for this mod function, and avoids slowing down the CPU.
Based on the character's Willpower, the script adds a single Ability that will restore her/his Magicka. Since the effect is costant, the character will regain Magicka even when waiting/resting; generally, just waiting for 1 hour ingame will replenish Magicka to full.
There are 9 "steps" of regeneration.
- Willpower 49 or less: You gain no Magicka regeneration (the same applies for a character with Stunted Magicka: Atronach Birtsign, for example. Though why you would load a mod as this while playing a character with Stunted Magicka is beyond me).
- Willpower 50 to 79: You gain 1 point of Restore Magicka Ability.
- Willpower 80 to 99: You gain 2 points of Restore Magicka Ability.
- Willpower 100 to 119: You gain 3 points of Restore Magicka Ability.
- Willpower 120 to 139: You gain 4 points of Restore Magicka Ability.
- Willpower 140 to 159: You gain 5 points of Restore Magicka Ability.
- Willpower 160 to 179: You gain 6 points of Restore Magicka Ability.
- Willpower 180 to 199: You gain 7 points of Restore Magicka Ability.
- Willpower 200 or above: You gain 8 points of Restore Magicka Ability.
So, any score higher than 200 will give you no benefit. I had to draw the line somewhere, and I think that values above that are unlikely in a normal game (without cheating, that is).
The mod *does* take Fortify Willpower spell effects into consideration, both Costant Effect enchantmens and temporary spells, blessings, or whatever. The same applies for effects that lower Willpower, like Drain/Damage spells, Diseases, and so on.
Since the script checks for changes in the Willpower score only once every 5 seconds, there could be a little delay before the Magicka regeneration is adjusted; I don't think this is a problem, and in my opinion it's a good tradeoff for a much increased performance.
As for balance issues, that's really a matter of personal taste. In my opinion, the rate is decent, without being unbalancing; and it gives Willpower a reason to exist.
Same goes for not using some formula to calculate your total Magicka, and set the Magicka regeneration based on it. In my opinion, Magicka regeneration is fine with an absolute value; it's not like Restore Health potions or spells in the game calculate your total Hitpoints to decide how much they will heal you, isn't it?
All in all, it's a matter of personal preferences.
I generally release mods I make for personal use, first of all: you don't like this, don't use it, simple as that. After all, there are lots of other similar mod out to choose from.

Just drop the plugin in your "Morrowind/Data Files" directory, check it so the game loads it, and you're done.
The mod is clean and only requires Morrowind.
You don't need to start a new game for the mod to work: as soon as you load a game, the new script will start to work its magic (pun intended).
You may still want to backup your saves: it's good policy when you add mods to an existing game, no matter what.
There shouldn't be any problems with this mod: it just adds a start script and 8 Abilities.
Of course, this is most likely NOT compatible with any other mod that adds Magicka regeneration to the player character. This includes mods with a far larger scope, like Galsiah's Character Development (GCD).
As I wrote above, the script is intentionally "slow to react", so you may notice it takes a few seconds for it to "notice" that your Willpower has been fortified or damaged. I don't think this is an issue, anyway.
The idea for this mod came, of course, by the many mods of the same kind out there. More precisely, I started modifing one by Assman a long while ago; only recently I decided I had enough of the script not noticing when I was waiting/resting, and thought of using Abilities instead of scripted changes to current Magicka.
The biggest thanks are for Jac: without his help with the script, this mod wouldn't be out for all to enjoy. My scripting skills are worth a dime, so the script it's pretty much all Jac's work.
And as always, my thanks to the people at Wolflore (http://www.wolflore.net/) for advice, support and just being the way they are. Love you, folks

As for usage terms: do with this as you please, no need to ask me (well, credit is always nice and costs nothing).