That's unfortunate that you hate yourself for making bad names.

But here are some great Name Generators, to help create Lore friendly names that fit perfectly into the game:
the one at is dead now.But you can also just check the Wiki and use a name from another TES game. Like a name from Skyrim or Daggerfall. As long as you have the correct Race, you'll know it's Lore friendly.
Some ideas for you....
Altmer: Mirknarovi, Eldanov, Trishena.... (noble sounding elf names, usually no family name
)Bosmer: Berdiril, Galessek, Thachel... (exotic sounding names, usually no family name)
Dunmer: Feldrena Thernsour, Gildrish Rethelosk, Shandenesa Othasha... (usually longer/harsher sounding names, almost always with a family name)
Khajiit: Ok, this can get complicated, so I'll quote the Wiki.....
Khajiit names, particularly among males, often have a prefix before them, usually though not always separated by an apostrophe. In general, the rest of the name following the prefix should be capitalized, though the games are not consistent on this point. Some names also have a hyphenated suffix (e.g.: '-Dar') indicating two titles which, but according to Jobasha in Morrowind this is considered foolish. The meanings of the prefixes are as follows:
- Dar = Thief, clever
- Do = Warrior
- Dro = Grandparent
- J/Ja/Ji = Bachelor, Young advlt
- Jo = Wizard, Scholar
- M/Ma = Child, Apprentice, also used to imply virginity
- Qa = Unknown
- Ra = Shows Status
- Ri = Status, often tribal leader
But you can be creative, because that's not all the options. Khajiit names are very foreign, which allows flexibility.... J'Shona, Tsakara, Mo'nunk, Zah'shun, Rikarp
Naming a character is pretty much the easiest thing about the entire game..
- It doesn't affect gameplay
- and you can use your imagination!
It can be fun to get something that feels right, so I hope I gave you some ideas.