I have an issue that occurred, but first I would like to address one thing. It would have been good to know before I ran it that my whole morrowind install would be wrecked before I ran it. So, I ran the MGSO20Installer.exe, it unpacked some stuff...then suddenly morrowind code patch opened up. I thought maybe I miss clicked something. So I closed it. Then a very shady nondescript "exe patcher" popped up telling me I didn't have morrowind installed. [Its installed in the default path]. I manually went to the morrowind folder and tried to patch morrowind's exe with it...it failed, mentioned something about sse.exe being unavailable. So I said what ever and closed that too. Booted up morrowind, loaded y save, ah, I can hear sounds and see new textures, but grass is missing...and I can't toggle shift anymore...
So I go into my morrowind folder and run MGSO Options.exe... Oh! This is new, I select some options for trees and what not and hit apply...then out of no where my PC goes wonky. I think I seen Wyre Mash open up for a split second, then close, then mlox loads and does a order update [what?].. then something takes over y mouse, boots up MGE XE, and while still in control of my PC, it attempts to activate a slew of options and regenerate distant land. After hitting ctrl+alt+del and getting my mouse back. I close MGE XE, because I actually don't use the distant lands options.
I load up morrowind, load my save, and it crashes. Huh? So, I start a new game, maybe my save got corrupted [it was a new character anyways]. And I wake up to Juib's ugly face. CharGen Revamped is gone! I exit out of morrowind, load up mash, only to find my load order is all but scrambled, most of the hundred or so mods I already have are deselected. And its utter chaos.
I go through, reselect all of my mods, and deselect some from MO that I didn't want, load up the game, my save works great. Though, I still have no grass.
So, my question is, how do I get grass?
As for everything else... yeah. Horrible experience. Thankfully, I do back up my entire morrowind folder. So if something would have went wrong, I could have easily fixed it. But maybe a warning, or you know... a less invasive installer, Could help.
I like what I see and hear so far, I just want my grass.