Here I kindly present my rebuttal of this argument. Let the pictures speak for themselves. Click the link below each picture to view it in full size:
Let's start with Crysis vs Crysis 2, to see just how obnoxious the change was.
Next, let's check out Crysis 2 vs Crysis 3 to see the huge and very welcome difference:
Now, allow us to compare Crysis 3 with Crysis! How does it measure up to our beloved original?!
The final comparison: All three titles compared at once:
Now that we're done with the comparisons, these were the source materials:
CRYSIS (captured by me) - r_drawnearfov = 60 (default)
CRYSIS 2 (captured by me) - r_drawnearfov = 55 (default)
CRYSIS 3 (Athene interview with Adam Duckett at Gamescom) - r_drawnearfov = unknown (default)
What do you think? Personally, the change in Crysis 3 is delicious. In fact, I find it even better than Crysis' one, as I feel it doesn't properly account for depth. However, even if they are different, nobody can deny it looks SO much closer to the original.
Discuss !!
EDIT: Additional information.
How does this stuff actually look like in real life?
- Good question! First, allow me to clarify a couple things:
What video games call "firing from the hip" is NOT actual "hip fire". It is "Snap Shooting"/"Quick Kill".
Using this technique, you still use the stock against your shoulder and align it instead of spraying. However, you sight is aligned avobe the barrel instead of directly along it. Instead of focusing on weapon aiming elements, your sight focuses ON THE TARGET.

This technique is not accurate at long distances (although it is MUCH more accurate at medium distances than games like Crysis 2 make it seem. Crysis was actually pretty good in this regard), but you gain MASSIVELY in both situational awareness and reaction times.
With this said, let's see how Snap Shooting/Quick Kill "kinda" looks IRL (I obviously cannot simulate actual human field of view):

Notice how the closest parts of the M4 are MUCH bigger than those far away (unlike Crysis) and how the rear sight is not too raised (unlike Crysis 2). Although not perfect (eh, my shot wasn't really perfect either), I can personally say that Crysis 3 is the closest Crysis has ever come to simulating Quick Kill from a first person viewpoint, and one of the better games at it, period.
In some Crysis 3 videos, when the Foregrip is attached to the SCAR, it looks as if Prophet isn't gripping it at all!
-In the picture avobe, I was gripping a foregrip EXACTLY like the one in Crysis 3. Does it look like I am, to you? Can you even see the grip?
Here's why: There are several ways to grip a foregrip. The most "intuitive/duh" way to hold it is just wrapping your fist around it. But that's far from optimal.
With a vertical foregrip, the best balance between fast mobility and accuracy is achieved through a technique known to shooters as "Thumb Break" grip.

From the angle you see the weapon from, it doesn't look ANY DIFFERENT at all. So there isn't even a need to change the standard animation from first person view.
However, it is highly likely that the current animation is just a placeholder and they'll replace it with the "standard videogame" one. If I were them, I wouldn't do it. I like my Thumb Break.
Why is the Assault Scope so big in C2/C3?!
- The assault Scope in Crysis is based off the TRIJICON ACOG 4x medium range engagement sight. In Crysis 2/3, the Assault Scope is a hybrid of the ELCAN M145 LMG sight with ACOG-like features.
The ELCAN M145 is a big mother. Check it out: