I've been playing with Morrowind Crafting for a wee while, and i really like it. But it's one of those mods that only really works with vanilla morrowind, it doesn't intergrate well with other mods. So i want to fix that! make it all sparkly and brand new. I also want to throw in a few more features.
I'm currently update the graphics to make the older assets fit in well with all these replacer-gizmo's we have. There's quite a few new models that I'm jazzing up, and there's a bunch of items that use new meshes and textures that are just renamed vanilla assets that need their model directories changing so that they work well with replacers.
I won't to make these armor types (my favorite vanilla based armors) craftable within the game:
Allow all the new armor/weapons/ingreds/furniture from TR to be crafted.
Allow the player to craft Scrolls and Soulgems (maybe) that can be enchanted via http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=6175 mod.
Incorporate tents beyond the current "tent" mesh in MC 2.01. Maybe allow the player to make something like:
Allow the player to craft furniture from http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=2826 mod and integrating the two mods together to remove any duplicates.
That's all I've got so far. Should be a fun mod at the end of it. Sooo..... any suggestions?