» Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:56 am
For any of the injected preorder DLC's, manually removing the *Pack.ESM entry will work fine, but generally one would want to use FNVEdit's "Clean Masters" as it will keep any and all references to a plugins master(s) forms lined up. Say a plugin, [03],has three masters, [00], [01], and [02]. If you manually remove [02], any [02] form referenced in the [03] plugin, upon reloading, will be looked for by [03] in [01], leaving unresolved references and all of those [03] forms will be injected into [01]. This doesn't always happen when manually removing masters, depending upon how many masters are in a plugins masterlist and which is manually removed, but "Clean Masters" is generally the safest way.
While manually removing/adding masters can be problematic, it can also be enabling if, say, one wants two plugins to have all their Form ID's in the same range. Thankfully, FNVEdit will always make a backup to revert to if anything goes wrong.