To me, it seems overpowered, as it eliminates a lot of ambushes and surprises that CELL can lay for the Hunters. Any ambush position can now be seen beforehand and exploited, to the benefit of the Hunter. Nothing will come as a surprise, and the worst part is it eliminates possibility of hiding. I think it's fair to say that a CELL operative against 15 Hunters has no chance. But say he finds a good hiding spot for the last 15 seconds of the game, then he has won by outwitting the Hunters. This radar, instead, will highlight his location, allowing them to all swarm in and kill him before the timer sounds.
So before the discovery of radar, I assessed CELL's possible tactics, based off of my speculations and interviews/gameplay I've read/seen.
1. Hiding, the obvious choice.
2. Ambushing, dependent on teamwork but when done right is very effective.
3. Sacrificing teammates, using them as bait to pick off the Hunters while you sit in a comfortable corner.
4. Rushing headlong into the Hunters, expecting to die.
5. Get in a large group that hopefully knows how to protect each other.
With the addition of radar, the CELL only has the options to rush headlong or try staying with teammates, and possibly trying to pick off Hunters who attack allies. Ambush will be pointless, as the element of surprise is gone, and hiding will be pointless, as you are still visible.
Hunters, however, receive a lot more options:
1. Camp somewhere and wait for CELL to come to you.
2. Rush the CELL, hopefully killing a few to continue your reign of terror.
3. Pick them off from a distance while cloaked, with little chance of retaliation.
4. Pick off people who get separated by following the pack at a distance.
5. Locate a position where CELL are holded up and fire explosive arrows into said location.
6. Wait until a teammate distracts the CELL, then pick them off at your leisure.
7. Spam explosive arrows into a pack.
8. Tag CELL and wait for teammates to attack.
I'm sure there are more options, namely ones I haven't thought of, but the point is clear. CELL has very limited options as far as tactics go, and only 3 classes to choose from also limits chances. Obviously no one heard my suggestion for custom Hunter Mode/Assault classes, but I'm less worried about this. CELL has maybe 2-4 options as far as tactics go, Hunters have at least 8, with no doubt more that I haven't thought of.
I stand quite open to people who want to change my mind, and will try to listen to everyone's opinion without too much bias. I just don't see how radar can possibly NOT be unbalanced/overpowered.