» Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:44 pm
The Bladers are people who are what the name suggests, people specialized with bladed weaponry such as swords, daggers, and bladed projectiles such as knives and stars. I invented it quite some time ago: http://morrowind.inventivegamer.com/igdb/classes/95/blader/
The Blader class itself is a good assassin class. The player may choose their character's moral standards (theft or honor), but the Society of Bladers won't care, they just want to maintain their guild power.
I am planning to have quests involving which involve many different things ranging from assassinations to duels to simply talking.
Though not technically lore-friendly, Bladers are of Akavirian descent, like the Blades, but are more of a freelance society rather than an organized one. I would like the Bladers to have an established main base in or near Balmora (possibly many other small, miniscule bases in other areas) so that they may provide a good start for vanilla players and fun for experienced players.