Breton female, mage birthsign, favored attributes: Int and Willpower
Hand to Hand (place holder skill to allow her to use blade or blunt as available without leveling on Strength)
Mysticism (primary Int leveling skill; I think I made a mistake of not having two Int and two WP skills to Level on)
Security and Marksman (Sec I like to use but the problem there is: what I _really_ want to be using almost exclusively for the first five levels or so is Int, Willpower and ENDURANCE skills, so that I get some nice +5,+5,+5 boosts on those three attributes and do not 'waste' any on others; Marksman is really just a place holder skill)
Light Armor (another placeholder skill)
Armorer (intended to be THE ONLY other real source of levelling for the first 5 or so levels, in addition to Mysticism and Restoration).
How the heck else are you supposed to level up a pure mage's END for a few levels to get those nice hit point bonuses? Block seems to be questionable to me because, well if you are an unarmored magic user blocking with a dagger its not really so great eh? Can you even block with staffs?
I remember someone recommending that "Majors as Minors" is a bad idea with OOO but I've played that way with vanilla so much I'm having a hard time understanding what else to do.