Go to the Bitter Coast at level 1 and you get mudcrabs, kwama foragers, rats and the odd cliff racer.
Go back at level 15 and it's crawling with Netch, Cliff Racers, Shalks and even more rats.
The Azura's Coast and Sheogorad region pretty quickly fill up with high-level Daedra, the Ashlands quickly develop swarms of the racers (seriously cliff racers are terrible for scaling, the higher your level the more there are it seems).
Even in the dungeons the skeletons clearly scale up, and more enemies spawn (revisiting old dungeons so I know they were once much easier).
I think it's not that this game has no scaling, it's just not as bad as say, Oblivion, and the scaling is most over and done with quickly. Post level 15 pretty much everything spawns, and the game has a lot of hand-placed stuff too.