Heart of Aztia OOC 7

Post » Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:09 am


Fisheye98: GM, Legion.
Bosmight: Co-GM, USA.
Tiber Septim: Texas Republic.
TheLoneRanger: BoS.
Aldin_Kris: BoS.
Lt. Andronicus: BoS (BoS taken up)
Objectivist: New Vegas Federation.
TheHappyX: Legion. (Legion taken up)
Agrona: FotA.
Fritz:: NCR
Padawan: NEC

Hello fellow RPers, this is the description, Sign up, And future OOC thread for the Heart of Aztia RP. This RP follows the
Lore of the Post-War American Convention though by no means do you have to be familiar
with the Convention to participate. Now without further adeu I will Start on the description.

After the events of the Fallout games the many factions of the destroyed United States of America, including Canada, met in a peace
conference. This Confrence was called the American Convention. In the Convention the many countries of America made alliances, traded, conversed, and warred with each other. After three of these Conventions two nations, the Legion and United States of America, decided to
explore other continents. Both of these countries picked the same continent to explore, South America.

What these nations found was quite disturbing. The continent was inhabited by aggressive
creatures, deadly diseases, drug cartels, religious murderers, and a group of sub-humans called the Aztians. The USA seeing the danger in this continent quickly decided to abandon it but the Legion did not. Instead the Legion sent two large expeditions into the nort western and
central regions of South America. However both of these Expiditions quickly failed, most of the participants dying horrible deaths.

Seeing that the large Expidtions he had been sending had failed Caesar turned to the other
nations of North America for help.

This is where you, the RPer come in. You will be part of the third South American Expidition. This Expidition will include all of the nations of the American Convention including: The Legion,
the United States of America (Enclave), the New Vegas Federation, the Commonwealth of New England, the Alaskan Republic, the Brotherhood of Steel (conjoined Mid-West and West), the New California Republic, the Texas Republic, the Soviet Ronto Empire, and the Khan Empire. You will be an agent for one of these factions and possess the equipment of your faction, each faction will only have two agents maximum to keep the party light.

We will depart from the new Legion capital of
Two-Sun, down through Central America and into South America. Along the way we will face many mishaps and difficult choices. The purpose of the third Expidition is to examine the native wildlife of South America, study the lacal Aztians, and recover lost Legion files on a top
secret project. Some of you will die, some will get wounded, some will become diseased, but no matter what, this Expidition must succeed.

CS example:






Equipment (including things such as ropes,
lighters, Weapons, armor, food will be provided):

Skills (description not just "small guns" or "medicine") :


I encourage all types of characters with a wide set of skills. If you are survive in South America you need to know about more things than stabby
stabby. OP characters are (oh how I dread to say this) ...okay. Your nation nominated you to be part of this Expidition for a reason. Just don't breath fire or freeze time please.

Just a few rules:

-What I say is final, no arguments. If I am absent my Co-GM, Bosmight, will have the final word. Arguing will result in a gruesome (IC) death.

-Failiur to post within five days of your previous post or the RP beginning will result in immediate death, cannibalizing, dismemberment or extremely embarising Power Armor malfunction.

-No ridiculous, extremely descriptive romances. A little romance is accepted but don't get to descriptive on "activities" you may be having.

-No abusing the OOC. No spamming, Teddy will find you!

-No character controlling without consent from the person being controlled.

-Have fun!!!

Any coments, questions, concerns, random outbursts?

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Kieren Thomson
Posts: 3454
Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2007 3:28 am

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