How to spot a cheater?

Post » Fri Aug 31, 2012 8:48 pm

Of course some cheats (aimbot, masskill...) are obvious, but given the killcam bugs and subtle cheats it's sometimes hard for unexperienced players (like me) to identify cheaters, and too often legit players are mistaken as cheaters.

What should we look for in game when we suspect somebody is cheating?
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Post » Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:03 pm

Keep an eye out on crosshairs. Even with ae3 n laser you should see some bounce. Lack of crosshair is a dead give away. If you see a straight as an arrow stream of bullets there dudes using no recoil / no spread. I almost think ppl should see weapon per weapon behavior hack on and hack off if they really wanna know. Look at kk reloads. If you're getting waxed by someone and you never see a reload well. Obvious yes but ppl nearly always reload after kill but ppl don't always pay attntokk anymore. Watch out for fools with the Marshall using the jump tactic. Even with the best load out for that gameplay I find it difficult to believe they have 24/7 energy in a room full of skilled players. Im not saying it can't be done but it can't be done by 1 person every round on every map. Those are some basic observations from the dark side......
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