hardcoe mode/great idea
Weapons galore/everything from a 10mil to a plasma caster
Animal variants/nice to see wasteland animals reproduce and don’t just appear
Reloading benches and campfires/gave it a lot more of a realistic vibe, not to mention very useful
Thump-thump and Dinner bell/too awesome J
Weapon mods/hunting rifle with scope? Yes please
Traits/very awesome idea and nice addition to the game
Vegas/sin city is fun
Freeside/what’s better than the strip you ask? Freeside is
Reputation and disguises/oh you hate me? “Changes armor” now you love me!
Come fly with me quest/ help us get to the moon. Sure J
Lily/if Fawkes was a crazy old lady
E-DE/ silence has never been so cool
Securitrons/ oh you’re a rolling T.V with lasers?
The Thorn/you can fight a gecko or a deathclaw?
Rotface/give me a bottle cap and I will tell you [censored]
Perks/ shotgun surgeon
Big M.T/ the BEST dlc EVER!
Toaster/ you should have a death ray
Doctors in Big M.T/ “those pencses on your hands”
Cass/ long dike Johnson
Boomers/ your dream is to bomb everything?
Marcus/I’m awesome
Benny/even though you shot me, I’m still gonna help you out
The King/why are you so awesome?
No-Bark/ crazy as hell
Khans/we attacked the N.C.R and they fought back, feel bad for us
Boone/I’m sad and I feel guilty feel bad for me, but don’t say it to me
Rex/ I’m like a [censored] replacement for dogmeat
Legion/help us even though we think you should die
Kids/there are five in the whole game, so wasteland critters reproduce but people just pop up? Yeah no
Ghouls/Reppcon and that’s all pretty much. I miss underworld
B.O.S/we think were the good guys so help us. Oh and you can’t have that or that or that
Arcade/ I’m annoying let me follow you around
Ceaser/No meds or tech. Fix this machine so it can fix my tumor
House/side with me and I’ll give you everything. Then why don’t I go to Yes Man?
Yes Man/Take orders from me! [censored] no!
Neck collar in dead money/made the dlc svck
Not being able to go back to the Sierra Madre/made sense in story terms, but still I paid money for it. I should be able to explore it when I please as I please
Lack of things to shoot/ I need more bad guys to shoot
Karma/I didn’t matter what your karma was
hardcoe mode/not hard at all, nowhere was dangerous in the Mojave except in the MIDDLE of quarry junction
Big guns/where did it go?

Snow globes/so I don’t get any special skills? Why should I care? I miss bobble heads
2 houses/ I want MORE!
Factions/the main factions in the game didn’t give you a good enough reason to fight for them. It would better if you could lead the friends and take over the Dam if you had really bad karma or lead good people to take over the dam if you had good karma