» Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:23 am
I once had a Morrowind character whose custom class I named "Book Collector," and whose entire purpose was to seek out and take (whether through purchase or theft) as many books as could be found. Granted, I have never been very good at world exploring (I'm trying to change that, these many years later), so I was lucky to find the rarer books, but I spent many an hour in Jobasha's Rare Books in Vivec, I have to say. I also killed many, many people who happened to have books that I had not found yet, since I had no Sneak skill and I wasn't about to let the guards keep the thing if I was going to be arrested over it...
That plan failed when I realized that some of my collection was disappearing when I put it in chests and wardrobes and such. At that point, I gave up. I have since found the UESP and Imperial Library collections, anyway, so I don't need to find them all in-game.