I'm playing on Very Hard / hardcoe and im sitting at approx level 14 without having entered the Lucky 38. My goal was to whip the piss out of the NCR pre 38, collect enough NCR tags to hit accepted with Legion, then use the amnesty to spend the rest of the game whipping the piss out of the legion instead (eventually choosing a fully independent ending / nuking them both on lonesome road after I took advantage of the benefits of having NCR like me) . My question is, do I need to have entered the Lucky 38 to get an audience with Caesar so I can get into his tent and speak to Lucius? or can I just waltz in there when I have the rep and get the training. The legion disgusts me, so i've always just slaughtered them, its a rare playthrough that I dont have their assassins after me before level 10 lol