A Whole New Layer of Possibilities

Post » Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:17 pm

I'm not one that's too crazy about pitching Crytek entirely new concepts, and hoping they'll see it. Everyone has something they think would be cool, but if we all posted them on here the forum would be a bit messy. However, I have thought of something that I think could really add a neat new layer and that everyone enjoys.

Weather animations for multiplayer are what I would like to see. I was just reading a post earlier talking on it a little bit, but if there was any chance that one of the Cry-(insert normal name here) people would communicate to the design team, a whole new post would have a better chance of recognition. The concept is you have different weather types: snowy, sunny, stormy etc.. and add a natural killing mechanism to it. For example, it's stormy? Lighting occasionally strikes somewhere on the map or a tornado may tear through a certain part. For snowy situations you could add less friction to surfaces to get an icy feel, and have snowflakes fall down that are capable of marking blood and foot-prints.

These things would be generated at random. Think about how cool it would be to wonder what kind of weather you may be playing in! I don't know about you guys, but it seems like an intriguing idea.
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Post » Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:41 pm

I like it, but it's probably too much for Crysis 3, as in C3 is too close to launch to develop something like this for it.

For any future title, this is a promising idea. Hell, maybe even as one of many future WARFACE updates.
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Kelvin Diaz
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