Any good ebony helmet replacers?

Post » Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:03 am

I used to use this one, but for some reason, it doesn't work anymore. Could be because I finally updated my mlox_base file. I just don't like the ugly closed ebony helmet.
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Post » Thu Sep 06, 2012 2:47 am

If the only thing that is changed is your load order (via mlox), then there is probably a conflict between that mod and one of the other mods in your load order.

If you don't mind using a command line tool (tes3cmd) I can tell you how to find conflicting mods with that. If you prefer a GUI tool, then I'd suggest the TESPCD (TES Plugin Conflict Detector). If you identify the conflicting mod, then you could add a rule to your "mlox_user.txt" file to ensure the replacer loads after the conflicting mod, and that should get it to work.

The basic idea is to find the ID of the item that is a problem. Here's how I do it with tes3cmd:
tes3cmd dump -l UAR_EbonyHelms_v2.esp

It looks like it only defines one armor (type=ARMO) with ID=ebony_closed_helm

So, if any other plugin in your load order redefines ebony_closed_helm and comes later in your load order, it will override UAR_EbonyHelms_v2.esp.

Let's find which plugins in your "Data Files" define that item:
tes3cmd dump -l --type armo --exact-id ebony_closed_helm *.esm *.esp

That should show you other plugins that might be in conflict with and override UAR_EbonyHelms_v2.esp should they come later in your load order.

For example, let's say that there is a plugin called "SomeArmor.esp" that defines that same item. To get UAR_EbonyHelms_v2.esp to override it, you want it to come later. So, in your mlox directory (where you put mlox_base.txt), create a text file called "mlox_user.txt", if it doesn't already exist, with the contents:


Then run mlox and tell it to update your load order and now mlox will always put UAR_EbonyHelms_v2.esp after SomeArmor.esp.

If you prefer not to do that process, then try TESPCD to find the conflicting plugin, and change your load order in Wrye Mash (or similar), so that UAR_EbonyHelms_v2.esp loads after whatever you find to be the conflicting plugin.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:49 am

If the only thing that is changed is your load order (via mlox), then there is probably a conflict between that mod and one of the other mods in your load order.

If you don't mind using a command line tool (tes3cmd) I can tell you how to find conflicting mods with that. If you prefer a GUI tool, then I'd suggest the TESPCD (TES Plugin Conflict Detector). If you identify the conflicting mod, then you could add a rule to your "mlox_user.txt" file to ensure the replacer loads after the conflicting mod, and that should get it to work.

The basic idea is to find the ID of the item that is a problem. Here's how I do it with tes3cmd:
tes3cmd dump -l UAR_EbonyHelms_v2.esp

It looks like it only defines one armor (type=ARMO) with ID=ebony_closed_helm

So, if any other plugin in your load order redefines ebony_closed_helm and comes later in your load order, it will override UAR_EbonyHelms_v2.esp.

Let's find which plugins in your "Data Files" define that item:
tes3cmd dump -l --type armo --exact-id ebony_closed_helm *.esm *.esp

That should show you other plugins that might be in conflict with and override UAR_EbonyHelms_v2.esp should they come later in your load order.

For example, let's say that there is a plugin called "SomeArmor.esp" that defines that same item. To get UAR_EbonyHelms_v2.esp to override it, you want it to come later. So, in your mlox directory (where you put mlox_base.txt), create a text file called "mlox_user.txt", if it doesn't already exist, with the contents:


Then run mlox and tell it to update your load order and now mlox will always put UAR_EbonyHelms_v2.esp after SomeArmor.esp.

If you prefer not to do that process, then try TESPCD to find the conflicting plugin, and change your load order in Wrye Mash (or similar), so that UAR_EbonyHelms_v2.esp loads after whatever you find to be the conflicting plugin.

Yeah, I ended up loading that ebony mod last, and it worked. Thanks for the tip.
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