How does Garbage Collection work?

Post » Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:14 pm

I have observed a strange (or at least unexpected) behavior and would like to hear how it really works. What i did:

I do have a scripted item i do remove immediately when the script starts to run. I have introduced a guard to ensure the item is evaluated only once. But even after 200 Frames sometimes the item gets still processed. Here a snippet of my script with debugging statements:

int inProgress
int hasBeenRemoved
int tokenCount
int frameCount

Begin GameMode

if (inProgress == 0)

set inProgress to 1

; some code goes here

set hasBeenRemoved to 1
set container to getContainer
container.removeItem MyToken 1


set frameCount to frameCount + 1
if (frameCount >= 200)

set container to getContainer
set tokenCount to container.getItemCount MyToken
showMessage DebugMessage tokenCount hasBeenRemoved
container.removeItem MyToken tokenCount



What I observe is that sometimes (half the times probably) the second if - endif block gets executed. As far as I do understand the Engine did ran the script 200 times. The message i show always has

tokenCount == 1


hasBeenRemoved == 1

That means the item was already removed, but the Engine still runs the item script. So my expectation was a synchronous garbage collection of item but derived from my observations i guess the item get asynchronous garbage collected, someone in the future. Who knows for sure what the reason for this behavior is?

Thanks a lot in advance, Harmlezz
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