About how we get "supported" with multiplayer problems!

Post » Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:32 am

I'd buyed the game just a copple of days ago, and while I really enjoyed the single player campaign, the multiplayer is a bit underwhelming. Behaviour on thoose servers is like in a Kindergarten and you get to hear more cursewords in a minute, then you heard before in your real life. It's also obvious the servers are filled with hackers and cheaters. Ontop of that you're coming to the forums just to hear a bunch of kids arguing about how the multiplayer is unplayable, because tons of new players "invade" their servers. Wake up, this is not your personal game only made for you, there are other players, and they just recently started to play the game. I wonder how some of you "Pros" would act on other multiplayer games, were you are the noob.

While I'm used to this from almost any other game, and don't have to much problems dealing with the facts, there's one fact that totally pisses me off. It's how you get frequently disconnected from servers for no appearant reason. It pisses me off even more after opening tons of NAT ports on my router, which opens up whole new opportunities for all the funny chinese and russian hackers outside there, and yet still it will disconnect me again and again and again.

I don't want to hear anything about how I'm supposed to try another server, open up NAT ports or do any other acrobatics in order to play a game that has a seriously broken multiplayer and a dubious community. I'm supposed to play this game like any other game I own, without stupid NAT rules, not permanently disconnecting and with a crowd of fun loving and mature players.

If the developers aim for the "95%" they should make sure their game actually is working without problems. And next time get a decent story writer, all the up and downs remind me of North&South...the series, not the game...and get some females into the game. I understand the turks are strictly dividing males and females, but all the manly male dominance in this game, is somehow...well...suspective.
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James Wilson
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