its the shivering isle , ow my goodness for the first time i found a character who wanted dementia rather than mania! was i scared ? yes!!
ive spent a lot of time taking in the country side ... in fact since ive murdered / done a favour for a lot of my khajiit brethren and the demntian ( no its demented) populace ive spent virtually my whole time exploring the boggy marshes and drab villages - and loved it! - i have found so much and had so much fun reacquainting myself with maddness , really really great ! im going to give the aquanostem to sickly berince for the first time ever , and im so looking forward to her face!
but i couldnt stop laughing - not in the insane , high - pitched tears - in - my - eyes way but more in the dark , naughty FORBIDDEN way
at the messages in the new sheoth graveyard , the dark morbid humour got me giggling like a naughty child , i especially liked the one about the deaf woman "she never heard it coming" - ow i am so wicked!
im rabbiting on like the madgod himself - but what say you on the positive front ?