Well, I thought I might as well start a thread for suggestions about Fallout 4, whether or not it is coming to real life. My major idea was to have the ability to pick a faction to start off in and be able to work as an actual person within the faction, not just a friend like in New Vegas. There would be a few major factions you could start off in or you could go independant with it's own beginning story then work you way independant still or join a faction. I was dissappointed how you couldn't legitamately join the NCR and it always bothered me when I heard, "You should sign up with the NCR we could really use you." because if I could I would. Also if you could be in a faction dialogues would also have to show it too, it can't just be like saying your in a faction and the people still talk to you like an outsider, that would bother me and others I'm sure. So if anyone agrees or has there own ideas to share and expand on, post here please.