So after hundreds of hours in Skyrim, the disgust and disappointment in how the ps3 player base is being treated finally overcame the magic of the game and I got rid of it. While at the store, I noticed the GOTY for a very reasonable price, and I went for it. I'm an avid Elder Scrolls fan, having been with the series since Daggerfall, and I have kept a game of the series at hand since then. After creating my high elf from Skyrim in the land of the Imperial City, I delved into the first dungeon. And my god I was smiling the whole time. The atmosphere, the characters, the sweet sweet complexities of leveling, the jaw dropping forests and landscapes, and most importantly, the availability of dlc and the lack of game ending glitches have kept me immersed and role playing in a manner I've not experienced in 5 years. Oh Oblivion, my long lost friend, I am sorry I ever abandoned you. Any other Oblivion players experiencing this elation after their adventures in Skyrim?