Wow... I've actually got a character who does this, and in much the same way.
His name is Vorlin, and he's a Bosmer archer. I used TU Starting Options and gave him a random wilderness start (he started high in the Jeralls, uncomfortably close to Dive Rock). He spent a while skulking around the forests around Cheydinhal, but it was a bit too constrained for his tastes. He started hiking west, and eventually came out onto the plains east of the Imperial City. He could see forest to his south and to his west, on the other side of Lake Rumare, and not being a big fan of southern climes, he decided to head west. He's been in the Great Forest ever since, currently camping along the lower part of the River Ethe west of Skingrad.
I tried a few camping mods and really liked the Phinix portable tent, but I struggled a bit with fitting a large tent that's pitched by casting a spell into his roleplay. After mulling it over for a few months (while I played other characters), I decided he'd stolen it from a particularly powerful and vengeful mage, which fits in nicely with his refusal to enter cities, where he's afraid he might run into the mage, and be at a disadvantage on unfamiliar ground. As long as he stays in the wilderness, he feels safe. Mostly.