Strange Gameplay

Post » Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:36 am

I have been experiencing some really strange game play in the last few weeks. Games where enemy players teleport when shot, only to reappear and kill me. Games where I cannot kill anybody, but they kill me and I lay on the ground flashing like a disco ball. I can hear game play going on around me, but I just lay on the ground, sometimes for more than a minute. I've emptied my gun into people, punched them repeatedly, and yet they kill me. Sometimes as I am dying I hear a pop and I get credit for killing the guy who just killed me and ran off. I have had players jump down from rooftops float to the ground, reappear on the roof, float to the ground, its like a loop that keeps repeating. While the loop is going I can't kill them, then I'm dead, again. My grenades get thrown, but don't explode. The killcams always show me shooting off to the right of opposing players.(my left) I've pulled my trigger only to have a weak little sputter come out of the barrel. I'm having trouble getting into games. I have game migration before games start and while playing. I lose connection during games. Sometimes I lose the connection and it shows me winning, but I am the only person left. Today I had 5 migration events in one attempt at getting into a lobby. Lately when I get into a game it is usually with a bunch of Europeans, That always kick my a$$. When I do get into american games my controls feel like my hands are asleep, its a very strange feeling. Its like my controller does what I want it to do, just not when I first want it to. By the time It decides to work, I'm already dead. I am stumped about how to fix this. My internet provider says everything is working correctly. I checked my ping, it fluctuates between 12 and 278. My download speed fluctuates between 3 and 15Mbps. Upload speed stays at around 2. My internet provider has me on a 7 day surveillance, taking snapshots of my activity every 5 minutes, in order to try and solve my problem. Is this happening to anyone else? Sorry to be so long winded, but this stuff is driving me nuts.
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chirsty aggas
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