I've stumbled across a few images in my day-to-day Internet browsing that give me a sense of major deja vu, because I've definitely seen them before. Then I always realize where I've seen them-- as models or textures in our favorite game series. So I thought it might be interesting, if people have had similar experiences, to have a place to compile them, particularly if it provides similar inspiration to modders.
http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/images/h2/h2_04.3.217,22.140.jpg (Medieval helmet)
http://i.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/article/3/0/6/145306.jpg?v=2 (LOTR orcish helm- bottom left corner)
http://www.alleycatscratch.com/lotr/Exhibit/Travel/Lyric/elf_armor_front_top_fg.jpg (LOTR Elven armor)
http://padawanjenn.tripod.com/LotR/twotowers/haldir14_lrg.jpg (LOTR Elven armor)
Floor is now open to discussion.