Hey guys, I'm playing Morrowind for , believe it or not, the very first time.
Having a great time!

However, I've recently run into what I imagine is a simple problem. Whenever I try to do business with a shop keeper in Ald Ruhn (probably all shop keepers but i've only tried Ald Ruhn) they tell me that they'll do no business with someone who bears The Mark Of Zenithar

. I'm really not sure how this Mark Of Zenithar is still on me. I delivered the shirts to the lady under the shell, shouldn't it have been removed from me? I really really hope I don't have to venture back out to the middle of nowhere to find that Argonian again. Especially because I have a disease that needs curing at the moment, and I can't buy any potions. What is causing this?
Sorry for my newbieness. Thanks in advance for the help.