john's on it. I believe he was the one discussing it in the other thread.
Yeah, well those braincells are looong gone

The thread may be gone too.
I remember something about "never, never, never" putting a script on a door?

Apparently the original MQ is dependent on a script on that door, but the script can be triggered by other duels . . . if I'm not mistaken.
The arena is run by the vivecArenaScript which is attached to a ring that is "buried" under the floor of the arena. The "never, never" thing about scripts on doors, I
Sogar, if you have tes3cmd and don't mind trying it, the following command may locate any problematic plugins that add scripts to the arena doors:
tes3cmd dump --type door --id Ex_V_cantondoor_01 --match script *.es?
Does Welcome to the Arena alter doors?
The problem would be *other* plugins adding scripts to doors, which interferes with the vivecArenaScript using Cellchanged function, as it will never be true if you enter through a scripted door.