Cloak DBL Melee vs AE3

Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:34 pm

You say AE3 requires no skill, but I still fail to see how running up on someone while your cloaked and double meleeing is? Atleast when someone uses AE3 they will attempt more exchanges of fire with players who don't use AE3 who simply just cloak and melee.

While playing against me you will hardly EVER see me melee, i play on Alternate controls. For those who don't know what that is, RS becomes crouch and B becomes melee. I for one am sick of double, triple, quad melees, you might as well get rid of your RT because that's all I ever see on the kill feed is beat downs.

People say if AE3 was takin out of the game a lot of these elites would struggle? Imagine if they nerfed the melee! then a lot of these present day elites would struggle even more.

It's ok though, I can play without AE3 and no melees, as a vet yes I did play with AE throughout the beginning and now I have been playing without it, sure it's harder without it... Simply because I love strafing and not feeling like I'm being held back by extreme obesity haha

These are just my opinions
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NAtIVe GOddess
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:23 pm

Not specifically to you Mortify but to everybody....
Perhaps the people that melee are smart and do not want to play the aim enhancer game? i dont know. Whenever Bulls kills me 93% of the time it is a melee but whatever because i am rocking AE level 3. I gotta be honest, if Bulls and I were to square up for a gun fight and say "draw" i would probably WIN more because of the strafe. Probably. in my opinion its only fair for him. Lets just play and have fun and use whatever. Some people complain about the feline but you only got 2 choices IF you want to use an SMG and the K-volt doesnt exactly cut it so you are stuck with only 1 choice, the Feline. Dont feel limited to what you can use for the next 4 or 5 months before this game dies out completely. I used to complain like others regarding perks and/or weapons, i am just as guilty but I have given up some time ago. There are about 100 to 200 people that play consistently? How sad is that!

I understand though. In this abandoned game there are so many situations to point fingers at people using a certain weapon, perk and ways of killing. Host power already is to your advantage. Europeans are at a disadvantage when playing against a US host and vice versa. Already off the bat before we even start there are already advantages and disadvantages for people. And then we pick our set-up and destroy with even more advantages on our side. If you choose to limit yourself to an already limited and broken game, thats your choice. i say enjoy the heck out of this game to the fullest until crysis 3, you know what i mean?
This game is unfair right after you click on "Multiplayer"
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:16 pm

Sad I won't be around for crysis 3 until many months after its release because I'll be deployed :( but yes widda you're right I'll just enjoy myself
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