1. Elijah, at first, wants the Brotherhood to rule the Mojave, with him riding back to the rescue to save the day. His plan involves using the cloud to evict the CL and NCR from the Mojave. But doesn't he realize the Cloud would affect all living inhabitants and could/would spread beyond? How would anyone survive this, given the cloud corrodes everything and kills everyone? This contradicts his stated desire of using the Vending Machines to provide for the people of the wasteland. Is this just evidence that he's less than sane?
2. Does he believe the BOS would accept him after sending assassins after him? Or is he beyond caring about the BOS when you meet in the Madre?
3. If the Cloud wipes out all life, presumably inflicting catastrophic losses on the NCR and CL, what's the point of firing missiles onto the Dam?
4. Is his only intention to use the collars to get into the Madre, or does he wish to use them on future subjects in the Mojave?
Thanks and apologies if some of these are daft