TASC: A Rewording and new approach

Post » Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:00 pm

Hello All and Happy Cryday,

TASC (The Anti-Shame Coalition) is still against shame enhancing ONLY ALL THE TIME 24/7, and other shameful behaviors within the crysis community. The list of shameful practices has been well documented here over the months, but the worst policy, worse then C4 or AE3 is to consider yourself elite and play alongside Noobified whose game has constantly been considered suspect to say the least. No one on my list should be supplementing him, in any effort even aginst those you hate (like me). There are too many things about him which will be exposed soon, and those playing with him only show their naivety and weakness as crysis players. No one is saying you cant be his friend or party up, but to play on the same team as Noobified is to NOT EARN your wins, but I get to some that winning is all that matters without concern for ethics.

TASC will no longer outwardly criticize players for Aim-Enhancing (like its the only perk in the game). We understand that it's human nature to like what one is good at , and to many of the elites here they like themselves more when the finish with MVP and Top-3 in TIA all night long. This would not be possible without AE3. And thus the game would indeed be less enjoyable to such individuals. Human nature, is also strongly against change even that which is positive, and so many are stubborn to change in positive ways within Crysis 2, or to play other games beside Crysis 2. And so TASC will no longer beat dead horses, we will burry them with our superior skills. You will see TASC members beat you badly without AE3, and this will hopefully spur the kinds of changes we have seen in this copycat league.

TASC only wants people to stop playing for their reputations. You dont need to get MVP every match to prove you are elite! Just have FUN!!!! JUST HAVVVVVEEEE FUNNNNNNN!!!! This is the new theme around gamesas. So please enjoy yourselves, and look for TASC to show you diverse skills capable of beating those playing with handicaps like Ae3. We encourage our own members to explore new perks and portray new skills, but we dont force anyone to drop anything, nor will we send anymore XBL messages making you feel less then about your crutches, because TASC is not cruel to the disabled. We are here to help.


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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:42 pm

Mike you gotta cool it with the finger pointing or ya gonna get banned again

From the rules
-Do not create threads or contributions that labels others as cheaters/boosters. "Naming & shaming" is not welcomed.

You really don't like Noobified do you lol think of him as a hurdle to get over and the more you play him the easier he gets to kill
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:36 pm

It's just a rewording of the tenets. I have no desire to label Noobified anything other then suspect. This encompasses all things suspect. Mouse and Keyboard for sure. I understand you being defensive as he was your best friend and former King member, but any wins King got with Noob on the team were disqualified for cough cough obvious reasons. Have you not been following the TASC threads?!? Noobified shames himself without provocation. He crossdresses and send messages like "SMD NOOBBBBB" over XBL and call people "peasants". You wanna guess what SMD means Shofz? It's an acronym and I'll start it for you. svck My D. Defense?
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Danial Zachery
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Post » Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:41 pm

All right Mike, thats good that TASC will no longer outwardly criticize anymore. Lets put it to the test. But just now you snuck in a quick one by mentioning crutches and being disabled. Is that criticism right there? YEP! Have you really changed your focus on things? I am starting to think you REALLY are extremely set in your ways. TASC is here to help you say? sweet! i didnt know you guys were a charity. Please give us the respect than and just be happy we play this game because if all of us NON TASC members didnt even play Crysis you would have no competition at all in this small community.
Even if you guys end up winning some or more than some it will not spur some kind of change, unlike TASC we will probably send you a message saying "Good Game" and continue on just having fun playing. For some stupid reason you guys still need to prove something and make yourselves feel better. It seems TASC is not neccessarily focusing on FUN but focusing on trying to teach other players some sort of lesson.

but remember, perks or not, SO many different things factor in the game like host power, connection in general, TAGGING, AE 3, mobility enhance, blind spot, and the list goes on. So if WE WIN 1 or more dont just say its because of Aim Enhance. maybe it was team work and what everybody contributed to help get the win. And the other way around too, if you are sniping you will be tagging i am sure and if you WIN 1 or more maybe it was because of great teamwork all around AND NOT JUST A PERK TO HELP YOU GET A WIN.

As for Noobified, you need to get over him, you mention him in almost every post. Also how long was he quiet for? Was he known to be a very vocal person? no he wasnt. he is very modest and keeps to himself but lately he has been a little more vocal but can you blame him? he crossdresses to make you happy mike. he knows you posted his avatar on the forum so he played your game and created a rather disgusting couple avatars lately. I cant believe he called somebody a peasant. how dare he talk back to people after being provoked for such a long time.

Oh Mike, when will it end? Stop trying to be the bigger player here and stop thinking you are a teacher here and thinking you are about to teach us a lesson. Cant you just chill and view this game as a dead one?
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Post » Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:17 am

If it's dead then why do you still play it all the time? Noobified? Shofz? Corroded? Bulls?

I don't think its dead, but it weird...I see crysis 2 on Xbox like a chair at the dining room table, one which is at the "head of the table" and one which is clearly the most dirty, wobbly and dilapitated of all the chairs at your table (all the other AAA games in your library of games). And yet when guest come over, it seems everyone wants a place at the head of this table. Clearly we would be better off placing one of the chairs infrequently used at the head, No?
I can't change that the game is broken, but can we not all agree that the one at the head should be fixed and since we dont have that capability (we're not programmers legally allowed to alter this game) can we not swap out the dirty, broken chair (Ae3)? Like the head of the table, those who command that position usually choose no other spot to sit, as this is "their chair." I believe many of these elite players sitting at the head of their table to be a bit scared of what would be portrayed if they gave the spot up to one of their children (let the noobs play with the OP perks). And so too many in this community are constantly playing to thier reputations, and trying to show that they are the man at the table. I say a man never stands taller then when he kneels down to help a child. This is where TASC can help. It's time to take off the training wheels, and let us teach...its time to throw that crappy chair out. TASC is charitable, just this week ENEMY gave away 1600 MSPs to those lucky enough to see the salvation on the other side.

Tonight I bring MK60, LTAG and C4 Back (if I can get off Borderlands 2) Happy Cryday.
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Post » Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:57 am

what you need to do, is sign up for ENEMY's wonderful world or Crysis. We had two winners over the last week each receiving 800 microsoft points. Not sure what you have against it but people are loving it, and im trying to keep up with the overwhelming demand!!

With Love!

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Post » Sat Sep 22, 2012 6:41 pm

To be fair enemy I have noticed you giving away prizes which is definitely turning a new leaf, I recognize those good deeds. Keep that up but lose the hating on people and be more forgiving with those who have different play styles than your own its good for you and keeps the game non-stressful. Am I starting to rub off on you? :)

Still I support tolerance though Mike which is why I can't support TASC. Noobified remains only one person, I just don't find him to be the gamebreaker hes made out to be, most people call me too nice but I'm just doing my part to keep this small community together. And besides the harder the challenges the more rewarding they are to conquer.

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Post » Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:25 am

for the record, ENEMY does not hate anyone. I do offer constructive criticism and do "counter" totalatarian arganizations but there is no hate involved in this. Widda and Walka are prime examples of power hungry tyrants that will not allow themselves to take part in the festivities that my wonderful world has to offer. Walka has taken the "don't reply to trolls" approach towards me but that it wrong. I was unfairly labeled as this. I think most of the people on here have realized that ENEMY is the way of the future and are now supporters. Just because I was #1 in the world for the first year of this game, I was victimized and treated very poorly on these forums. People are now starting to realize that ENEMY is not the enemy....he is your friend and savior.

Yours Forever!

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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:55 pm

You are not the original enemy and even mike knows this. Sttop lying. I know some inside things and you not the old first place enemyo. Maybe one day you and mike will decide to tell everybody your real identity but until then mike is keeping it to himself. I also heard the original enemys voice. Get a mic dude. You can't fool me
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