TASC (The Anti-Shame Coalition) is still against shame enhancing ONLY ALL THE TIME 24/7, and other shameful behaviors within the crysis community. The list of shameful practices has been well documented here over the months, but the worst policy, worse then C4 or AE3 is to consider yourself elite and play alongside Noobified whose game has constantly been considered suspect to say the least. No one on my list should be supplementing him, in any effort even aginst those you hate (like me). There are too many things about him which will be exposed soon, and those playing with him only show their naivety and weakness as crysis players. No one is saying you cant be his friend or party up, but to play on the same team as Noobified is to NOT EARN your wins, but I get to some that winning is all that matters without concern for ethics.
TASC will no longer outwardly criticize players for Aim-Enhancing (like its the only perk in the game). We understand that it's human nature to like what one is good at , and to many of the elites here they like themselves more when the finish with MVP and Top-3 in TIA all night long. This would not be possible without AE3. And thus the game would indeed be less enjoyable to such individuals. Human nature, is also strongly against change even that which is positive, and so many are stubborn to change in positive ways within Crysis 2, or to play other games beside Crysis 2. And so TASC will no longer beat dead horses, we will burry them with our superior skills. You will see TASC members beat you badly without AE3, and this will hopefully spur the kinds of changes we have seen in this copycat league.
TASC only wants people to stop playing for their reputations. You dont need to get MVP every match to prove you are elite! Just have FUN!!!! JUST HAVVVVVEEEE FUNNNNNNN!!!! This is the new theme around gamesas. So please enjoy yourselves, and look for TASC to show you diverse skills capable of beating those playing with handicaps like Ae3. We encourage our own members to explore new perks and portray new skills, but we dont force anyone to drop anything, nor will we send anymore XBL messages making you feel less then about your crutches, because TASC is not cruel to the disabled. We are here to help.