Crytek, please give us gamers proper audio/video settings this time. For instance:
? Options to turn off the blurs, both motion blur and DOF, also EdgeAA that only blurs the whole image and completely takes away crisp look. About depth of field, I can't stand when game tries to tell where my focus must be - focus, or lack of it, is for my eyes to generate naturally. Artificial blur only hurts eyes! Just leave the options to turn these things off.
? Option to turn off suit voice, or better yet, bring back female voice - like the one with cute british accent presented in Crysis Warhead.
? Option to set field of view.
? Options to set toggle crouch/prone, iron sight, binocs. Would be really useful, when playing it slow.
First Crysis has lots of settings, not to mention console commands. Crysis 2 (1.0) has almost none, except "low/medium/high" type of graphics presets, and no option to mute down that totally annoying bum-cyborg suit voice.
And even if I'm preaching to the choir, please, oh please make the game run on Windows XP systems. It would be awfully nice if this part of Crysis storyline - Crysis, Crysis Warhead, Crysis 2, Crysis 3 - is all XP compatible

Thank you!