» Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:08 pm
All of this crap about aim...I'm sorry "shame enhance" is a self conflicting contradictory argument created by our beloved savior Magic Mike. Man gtfo of here. You want a scoop here it is: it seems our good old pal mikey had a problem with this one perk aim enhance. Be has waged an all out rebellion against the "shame"going on in the crysis world. However...get this...our beloved savior and pure leader of this rebellion has been caught red handed using the same perk he despises!! Wow what irony. And I find it quite funny how King and S2K get all of the baggage for actually being good with this perk unlike some people. But isn't it even more funny how none of the TASC/ TASK whatever the hell they are don't get as much baggage for using the same perk? Because I think it is a never ending sitcom. Face it....mike is just like a spiked brat who when he enters a store (like walmart) throws a tandrum when he doesn't get to go on the toy isle. Awh boo f***ing hoo. Get over yourself dude because you're no saint, just another mortar who wants to have things his way and why...becuse HE thinks one perk signifies a person's skill? I've been keeping quiet about this for the longest tme but now I'm no logerlo holding my tongue. I'm just calling it the way I see it. Get over it and try not to ruin the game more than ou already have. Get over it and lets enjoy the game FOR ONCE