So, I've been attempting to install a few mods on my FNV install and I've hit a bit of a snag. I use Fullscreen windowed mode and the 4gb FNV mod, together with NVSE to start the game, which seems to work just fine, except for every now and then I get a black bar at the bottom of my screen. Now, this is a relatively minor issue and I can probably figure this out myself.
The bigger problem though, is that whatever method of archive invalidation I use, either NVSE doesn't load, or my high res texture mods don't load. If I enable the Archive Invalidation in Nexus Mod Manager, NVSE and the mods using it load just fine, but I end up with a pink menu screen on start up. If however, I disable the NMM AI, all the textures, including the menu screen, load perfectly fine, but NVSE doesn't seem to function, including the mods that rely on it, like MVM and oHud/Unified Hud.
The strange thing is that this only started happening after I installed NMC/Poco Bueno. If I uninstall these, everything works just fine, so I'm rather confused as you can imagine.
Active Mod Files:
00 falloutnv.esm01 DeadMoney.esm02 HonestHearts.esm03 OldWorldBlues.esm04 LonesomeRoad.esm05 GunRunnersArsenal.esm06 ClassicPack.esm07 MercenaryPack.esm08 TribalPack.esm09 CaravanPack.esm0A Project Nevada - Core.esm0B Project Nevada - Equipment.esm0C ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm0D ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm0E oHUD.esm0F Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp10 Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp11 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp [Version 1.5]12 DarNifiedUINV.esp13 ProjectRealityMkIv5HDR.esp14 Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp15 Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp16 Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp17 Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp18 Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp
If anyone could help me figure this out, I'd be very grateful.
