Now, I get that maybe it's not a great idea to highlight them to those hackers that would like to have a go at them, but I'm still interested in playing on monitored servers. Of those that remain, could anyone point a few decent european ones out to me (my ping's typically too high for North American ones)? Or, PM them to me, if the moderators of this forum prefer...
Today, for example: played C2 for the first time in a while, and thought I'd give the SCT serv a go. Some interesting server rules: no JAW/C4/fy71/scar+laser etc etc... so I figured, hey why not try that out? Unsurprisingly, guess what I found being used: scar + laser, fy71, C4... now that I think about it, I saw everything but the JAW going on. Even ran into an unlimited energy hacker. Nice. Still... I'm up a simple 25-11 or something on my first try against these dorks, and I get kicked. Righteous, gotta love whoever the admin was. No, I'm not trying to "name & shame", I just:
a) wanna know the kick reason (any SCT's on this forum?)
b) know if anyone else has run into useless kicks from them
c) warn any SCT's that their serv needs a lookin' into
You may understand my frustration. Or not, whatever floats yer boat.