I wont bore anyone with any TASC propaganda, or tell you that we have achieved our ultimate goal in making competative players less reliant on the OP advantage of being able to warp away from bullets or through the path of bullets (if the lag is bad and you're not host), but I will tell you that TASC has achieved an unexpected victory...
The other night after not playing for weeks (borerlands 2), I popped in Crysis 2 to play with Dokter and Daddylicious. Both clearly noted that for the strangest reason they were being killed by noobs, or New Players to the game to be politically correct.
It would seem that the plethora of articles written about the OP nature of AE3 has actually "let the cat out of the bag" so to speak. Many new players are now coming in knowing the secret recipe to success, before they even boot up the game for the first time. I kid you not, when I say that nearly the whole room was Aim Enhancing, and no one was above level 30 (no reboots lol).
So in a way this is a pleasant surprise, and one which I feel good having helped to achieve. Daddy laughed and asked me "Oh no Mike! What have you done! Why did you let everyone know about this??!" I've played many FPSs out there, and indeed I excel at most of them, and I always thought the amount of skilled players playing Crysis 2 was greatly off the expected ratio. I believe that beast COD players could raqe you, knowing what Ae3 does. These are kids use to doing spastic and annoying **** like "quik scopin" and "drop-shottin" so best believe AIM ENHANCE WARP STRAFE is going to be something that such a player would use to merc you. Sorry guys, actually I'm not

I need someone to take over the BEST US list. I will be retireing once Halo 4 drops. Please let me know who is interested in carrying on that torch.