Why did Crysis 2 MP copy Call of Duty?

Post » Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:04 pm

Hi Guys!

Short and sweet:

I can't but help to think that Crysis would have been better off with no kill streaks and no perks. From a competative standpoint it would resemble a game more like Halo, where skill and suit management are key to success, and not camping for kill streaks or relying on perks which may be OP in need of nerfing, but then never get patched, effectively ruining the experience.

Many of our elite Crysis players hate COD with a passion, and yet there is no denying that Crysis 2 clearly aped the COD formulae. With all this debate about OP perks and shameful tactics like "Noob tubing", "Proxy Monitors", and Warp Strafes, would it not behoove the franchise to completelty remove themself from the pervasive and oppressive conrtol of COD influence? Why worry about perk balancing in a game without perks? It would greatly simplify the gameplay for new players, and this would grow our community.

In a way Crysis trying to be COD is what killed it--- No Dedicated Servers and Perks/Kill Streaks which can be OP in the hands of skilled gamers. Shofz often says he likes Crysis 2 and not BF3 because Crysis is simple comparatively. He doesnt want a complicated Crysis 3. And I agree! leanring the nanosuit, and how to manage the various energy levels is where it should stop. Make Nano Vision effective for seeing cloak, and allow people to deply bots for radars, ones that fly and drive, etc. Make the natural strafe a little faster, keep the cloak as is, increase the mobility, and add air stomp for all.

These are just some of my thoughts on what would make Crysis 2 better. There are 20 million players playing COD, but there are many more gamers in the world. Currently there is like 27 people playing Crysis 2 on Xbox, and I believe the number would skyrocket if Crysis didnt try to beat CoD at their owe game. Because that is never going to happen. Vote please :)
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:58 am

When I read the title of the thread, I couldn't understand how it would of been a poll because the reasons people would drum up for "Why Crysis 2 Copied CoD" could never be entirely captured in a poll, but now I understand the purpose. The thread title should probably read: "Should Crysis 2 have perks (COD) and/or (Kill Streaks)?" It would make more sense.

I voted for modules and no kill streaks for the reason of the nano suit. This game is unique from the CoD's dynamic because of the suit. The suit augments so many things in the meta game and with modules it makes it even more interesting. I do believe that modules should be implemented differently from perks though. I feel as though you should be able to combine whatever module you desire. So, 2 power modules, 1 stealth module or 2 armor modules and 1 power module and so on. The down-side of not taking a module from a specific category is losing its' power entirely. For instance, I would take Nano Recharge, Armor Enhance, and Weapon Pro and as a result could never go in stealth. I think that would change the games meta even further.

I also think that this poll should be directed at Crysis 3, because nothing is going to be done about Crysis 2 for the rest of its' lifetime.
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Post » Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:24 am

It would create even greater balance issues if one could take two from a certain class type such a two from Armor like Weapon Pro, and Aim Enhance, cobined with Proxy, and there would be serious issues encountered there. Or Stealth, Covert Ops and Proxy. Same OP Issues there.

I'm tired of people selling Crysis 2 to their friends by saying..."its like CoD with a SyFy nanosuit." If Crytek and its franchise showed more confidence in its nanosuit, it would showcase the suit as the thing which makes this game unique, and that is where it would end, rather then copying CoD and creating balance issues down the line. Because without the proper post game support OP things kill off a community. BF3 would be dead right now, if teh Sniper Scope Frag USAS and the MAV Riding were still around. Games need to be supported to stay alive because there will always be people looking to gain an unfair advantage in a game.

edited out the profanity.
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Jay Baby
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Post » Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:50 am

And since we know that Crysis 3 will not be supported years down the line, would it not behoove CryTek to simplify the experience for new players and vets alike, by removing the various OP perks and the various levels for said perks which punish new players by requiring an insane time investment. For example both Proxy and Air Stomp useless at LvL #1 - STTTTTTTOPPPPPPP PUNISHING NEW PLAYERS GAME DEVS!!!!
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Post » Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:57 am

They did market the nano suit as what made the game unique before and during C2's release. They just didn't implement it well in the game.

Further balancing can be done if someone were to take 2 stealth modules. For instance, reducing the effectiveness of each module by 30% or removing a certain feature etc. and the fluff could be that the nanosuit couldn't devote that much power to a single resource in the suit or it would short it out but it could do it in a reduced way.

The balancing issues did not come from modeling the game around CoD. Every game has balancing issues, and they're usually rectified in an ongoing process through patches. This is something that is not unique to CoD.

You're correct about people always using the best load outs, they're referred to as try-hards. You want what everyone wants, an idealistic game where everything is balanced perfectly so that in competitive play you see a variety of weapons because not one item is a "catch-all." This type of game rarely exists. The fact is, that if you remove certain modules and load out combinations from the game of C2, you get that. We saw it in Flawless Victory's Ascension tournament. They were close (game developers), they just didn't close the deal.
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Post » Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:30 pm

No, do not make this game easier to play. Implement a 80/20 theory. It takes 20% of your time learning 80% of the game, and the rest of your time is used learning the last 20%. I abhor developers who make games simple for everyone to get more people to purchase it (MW3 all day). I outline my wishes for C3 in this video:

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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:25 pm

I like teh RPG elements you suggested, but it only further complicates things for the less educated. I dont want Crysis 3 to require a PhD. The math reductions you suggest are very keen, but would confuse the masses. I dont have faith in my fellow man, for the fellow man cannot wait 5 seconds for me to get to him so that I can revive him for being stupid and rushing into the chokepoints. BF obviously. LOL. Basically we would do well, but I want the leanring curve of perks reduced not further complicated if indeed they will be in crysis 3.
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Post » Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:16 am

Crysis would never be simple on consoles. Cloak is basically perfectly invisible. Sound rarely works. Its super duper fast and aggressive. Melee is better then guns, etc etc.
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Post » Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:19 am

Why can't you see guys in stealth? Have you tried turning up the brightness on your monitor? Do you play on a monitor or a TV?
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:46 am

Why can't you see guys in stealth? Have you tried turning up the brightness on your monitor? Do you play on a monitor or a TV?

TV. Panasonic 50 Plasma Vierra. Cloak in Bright areas is too good. I love darker maps liek Wall St, adn Impact.
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Post » Sat Sep 29, 2012 12:31 pm

What is a perk? infection is you xbox colour range settings on expanded(only use if your tv has hdmi 1.3)?
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:01 am

Lots of reading, and i am not the best writer, but here is my personal opinion, it would be keep the modules, get rid of the killstreaks.
Although i see what you want to achieve with the simple gameplay Infections, i think i still prefer skill and a relatively small community, in addition to challenging gameplay. than a lot of players and it not requiring any skills to play the game 'properly'.

The masses aren't really the guys i look forward running into, since i prefer to bump into a good challenge every once in a while.

Simple games can be fun, but on the long run gets boring when playing a bit longer. While when i play Crysis 2, i still learn things when i play, which doesn't really happen in the more simple games out there (Cod)
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Eve Booker
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Post » Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:36 am

What is a perk? infection is you xbox colour range settings on expanded(only use if your tv has hdmi 1.3)?

A module, like Stealth Enhance, Cloak tracker etc.
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Post » Sat Sep 29, 2012 11:08 am

i would loveto see more than 6vs6 that would be great fun!
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Post » Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:09 am

Lots of reading, and i am not the best writer, but here is my personal opinion, it would be keep the modules, get rid of the killstreaks.
Although i see what you want to achieve with the simple gameplay Infections, i think i still prefer skill and a relatively small community, in addition to challenging gameplay. than a lot of players and it not requiring any skills to play the game 'properly'.

The masses aren't really the guys i look forward running into, since i prefer to bump into a good challenge every once in a while.

Simple games can be fun, but on the long run gets boring when playing a bit longer. While when i play Crysis 2, i still learn things when i play, which doesn't really happen in the more simple games out there (Cod)

I dont want Crysis simple like CoD. It's already inherently more sophisticated then CoD without trying to implement the CoD formulae such as perks and kill streaks. I think by trying to do too much, it becomes a sloppy mess. one with a plethora of balance issues.
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Post » Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:59 am

What is a perk? infection is you xbox colour range settings on expanded(only use if your tv has hdmi 1.3)?

A module, like Stealth Enhance, Cloak tracker etc.

Ah thanks :) I'll vote both because I somewhat enjoyed Crysis 2 MP... too bad I'm a CoD boi even though I never played it :D Variety is always nice
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