Votekick lock-out

Post » Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:48 pm

Had a player going by 000o Lad****** who claimed he had locked out the votekick system to prevent being kicked.
It appeared to be right as one player was votekicked, but at every attempt to votekick Lad******, the count would get to 1 vote needed, but no further.
Anyone else seen this?
Also seen players with names like who you cannot even initiate a vote against.

On another note, I joined a server today but immediately got a 'you have been kicked' message. Australian server and my ping is good. Wasn't a recruits server (you get a message about too high a rank there).

( Asterixed out playernames not needed for discussion per naming and shaming rule)
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:28 am

Yep, that's how bad Crytek's system is. You can't votekick some names! The worst part is that the 1.9 patch was actually supposed to fix this!

Improved anti-cheat measurements: fixed exploit which could prevent vote kicking working against a user
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Russell Davies
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Post » Mon Oct 01, 2012 3:05 am

OP has a valid/useful post whose only issue was using the names...

The "votekick cancel" hack has been around a while, as well as another that turns the kick on another player.... They are much less common than the "nametag/no-recoil" crowd.

Most everyone knows to replace @ with _ in a playername to kick, but less known are the common < > characters, as well as some others.
To votekick for example, HTML substitution will work, as in:
votekick <D.R.LOSER>
Lastly, that immediate kick on entry to the server can occur when another player with the same serial key is already playing somewhere in the system. You wont always get the "SERIAL CODE IS ALREADY IN USE" message. If it persists, for hours at a stretch then goes away, I would ask for a new key. If it only occurs on that one server, thats a different case. Were you able to get in after retrying?
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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:51 am

I would like to add another hack I saw today. It allowed the marshall which we all know shoots ONCE per second(or less?) to shoot twice in less than a second. And obviously double marshall shot kills you even if you didn't kill the guy the first time.
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