Let me say, I am hooked! Love the game, love the futuristic setting, and the Nano Suit.
Also, as far as I can tell the MP community has been very welcoming to a newbie like myself. Even going as far as trying to help teach me during games.....thanks OmegaFluffDragon
Although, there is a small group that taunts the new guy...that would be me...lol.
Well, that's why I am here looking for some direction, tips and help.
I just constantly keep getting my a$$ crushed. Most of the time I get about 2-4 kills and anywhere between 8-12 deaths per match. That is so horrible it's almost laughable.
What drives me crazy is....I will get the jump/flank on people and I still get shot....same with melee....it seems i keep going in circles and I end up getting melee'd.....oh it's fustrating!
I try to always uncloak and armor up when shooting....learned that lesson the hard way. Try to check my corners....but I seem to get shot first....and I "think" i am trying to manage my nano suit energy. But I think I may have a lot of wasted movement....?
I am about level 23....BUT still probably a level 1 player.
My main loadouts are....
Scar...reflex...extened mag
Armor Enhance
Visor enhance/blind spot
Moblity enhance
Armor Enhance
blind spot
mobility enhance
I have quite a few unlocks that I haven't used, and I have Aim Enhance up to level 2 but it seems the veterans respect players that stay away from it and I would like to learn how to better my aim on my own....I guess
Many here have helped me already, by just watching your videos and reading your posts....thank you...
War Spirit
Sacriel (man is this guy GOOD!)
LaggyNewbie (awesome player too)
But I can only read and watch videos so much.....i need to play and try to put into play what I watch and read.
So, here it goes. A VIDEO....so you guys can actually watch what a REAL newbie looks like....lol. Only been playing MP for about a month and have NEVER played a FPS online before.....so it can get ugly....lol
I just want to get better, and give you guys a good game.....with SKILL and no HACKS...
Sorry don't know how to embed the video.
Thanks guys