I'd like to know how to check for two items in the inventory in one line of code...
Let's say:
I want to check if the player has (3 Raw Ebony and 1 daedra Heart)... When I write:
If (( player->getitemcount "Ingred_Raw_Ebony_01" >= 3 ) || ( player->getitemcount "Ingred_daedras_heart_01" >= 1 ) )
When i Compile and save the script in CS no error message, But when I run it in-game I get an Expression Statement Error.... Left Eval....
anybody can show me if and how I can write such a double check in one code?
I know I can write a code that would check both , using a couple of Successive If Satements, but I want to write it on one line if possible...
Thanks guyz!