My advice, be pounding any venue you can to make sure punk buster is added to c3. It's not going to stop aim botting fully but pb really does lock down Id say 80% of public stuff. The stuff Im using like Maui are freak rogue hacks which were made by bored yet clever people that never hit mainstream because those ppl coded it for themselves. To me the bigger problem is soft hacks. Wallhacking, ammo, recoil. They seem like derp hacks but I play legit too and I see how just one of those is a game changer. PB stifling that would be a huge success. Admins need more control over their servers; to be able to do what they need to, unrestricted.
I just want to say that no one involved in our clan nor any community I'm involved in will buy Crysis 3 without a firm commitment from Crytek that PunkBuster will be the anti-cheat program for Crysis 3.
If you like this game and want to give it any chance to suceed, you will agree and let them know it.