Gameplay Concern (Crysis 3 PC)

Post » Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:33 am

I would like to address a concern with the game-play basics in the PC version. In Crysis 2 I noticed several bugs with the keyboard (my keyboard works fine btw). The most obvious one, is probably sprinting: If you press "r" (reload) while sprinting, you stop sprinting. In order to start sprinting again, you have to release the shift button and then press it again. Now this is very problematic if you are like me, and use mobility as your biggest strength. Simply put, pressing "r" should not make you stop sprinting. Also, this bug does not exist in games like Battlefield 3, Half Life 2, etc.

Another bug I remember are when you press TAB to see the scoreboard, and you cannot move or look around when doing so. Very annoying...

There were some other game-play bugs as well, though I don't remember them at the moment (Long time since I played Crysis 2). These kinds of problems seems to be very common with multi-platform games (and console ports). I really hope Crytek will fix this in Crysis 3, and of course give us the option to disable mouse acceleration and choose FOV (I use 90).
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:29 pm

The game has a lot of poor design choices... even when it comes to basic stuff, for example when you write something it takes too long to appear on the screen and it fades too fast, and you can't use the console or chat window to review the conversations, also when someone uses a mic in game we don't know which player it is.

And if you are writing after being killed the killcam will close your chat window and you can't disable it by default :/
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:35 pm

Be thankful that you could even reload while sprinting.

In Single Player, the favorite mode of many Crysis fans (such as myself), you couldn't ADS with a laser sight or sprint while reloading.

Also one of the most egregious bugs (The laser sight causes a delay with aiming in which when you shoot a bullet, it will go wherever you were aiming A FULL SECOND AGO) was left unfixed completely.
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