My List Of Requests for Crysis 3

Post » Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:17 pm

Well there are a lot of things I would like to see for Crysis 3 and there a lot of things I don't want to see, so I thought I'd better start writing them down. List will be updated if I think of more. I will include the things that are already confirmed for Crysis 3, just incase they decide to remove them later. The "Important" things have the highest impact on whether I will purchase Crysis 3 or not. I can promise you right now that I will not be buying a melee-fest full of hackers and votekick noobs.

Important Things I Want:

-Community Support
-Ingame Match Recorder
-More Server Tools

Things I Want:

-A one-shot kill gauss
-Auto-map downloader for custom servers
-Allow us to increase time and score limit on Ranked servers for epic 30 minute wars
-Spectator Mode
-A totally brand new HUD
-Customise weapon attachments in MP matches
-Balanced Weapons
-Advanced Clan Creation System (like Warface)
-Customisable Nanosuit look
-Customisable HUD
-Customisable Cross Hair
-Health Bar on HUD
-Quick throw nades
-Armour Mode acts as health not % damage reduction
-Use any attachment on any weapon
-Super sprint and normal sprint
-Increased hip fire accuracy
-Improved Laser Sight
-First Person vehicles for SP
-Level Up Nanosuit Modules
-More support for competitive play
-Really hard challenges in New York Feed, I don't mean long and tedious
-Increased weapon carry limit
-FOV Slider
-Adanced graphics options
-More interactive AI
-Customisable Killstreaks
-DLC for Maps and Game Modes
-Greater rewards for nanosuit rebooting
-Flyable Ceph gunship (like the Pinger)
-Airstomp for everyone
-More parkour
-Singleplayer DLC

Important Things I Don't Want:

-The bugs from Crysis 2 in Crysis 3
-Crysis 2 style of melee

Things I Don't Want:

-Sprint Cancellation
-Overpowered Melee
-Autoaim on melee
-Leaping 10 metres when you melee
-Invisible Walls
-Bugged Weapons
-Delay Before Killfeed Shows
-Delay before Chat Message Shows
-Orbital Lagg
-Windows that cause lagg when smashed en masse
-Nades on the weapon wheel
-Visible laser while in stealth
-Randomly visible weapons while in stealth
-Laser not in line with gun and the dot with the laser
-Letters looking like other letters because of bad font choice
-Usernames with crazy symbols
-Pixelated textures
-Random bursts of fire across the map
-Rocks falling from the sky throughout matches
-Inconsistent FOV between players and killcams
-DLC that is released too soon
-DLC weapons that make people cry
-The L-Tag

Thanks. Follow my "Let's Talk About Crysis 3" YouTube Series, where I will talk a bit more about this.
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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:35 pm

You don't want votekick? Why?
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:58 pm

You don't want votekick? Why?

In my opinion it was the worst thing they could have added to the game, I said that on the day it was released and I've said it ever since.

You have to admit it achieves absolutely nothing. Noobs votekick good players, noobs don't know how to votekick hackers, hackers have hacks that bypass the votekick, blah blah blah. Stupid, and it should not be in Crysis 3.
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:33 am

You don't want votekick? Why?

In my opinion it was the worst thing they could have added to the game, I said that on the day it was released and I've said it ever since.

You have to admit it achieves absolutely nothing. Noobs votekick good players, noobs don't know how to votekick hackers, hackers have hacks that bypass the votekick, blah blah blah. Stupid, and it should not be in Crysis 3.

Yeah, it's annoying when n00bs don't vote or votekick good players. But there is a solution. Crytek can fix the votekick so hackers can't bypass it and add a better message, so everyone sees how to votekick!

The reason none knew how to votekick was cause the chat was transparent and it didn't display how to votekick!
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:09 pm

i′m not feeling right now about thinking if I like the list or not but there is 1 thing that caught my attention:

You realize the laser is literally a light beam comming out of your gun, right? How are you supossed to make a nanouit cloack light itself? More importantly, you know what cloak is, right? Is a system that either uses nanocameras and nanoscreens to show a image exact to what′s around it (I′m pretty sure C1′s nanosuit used that system) or reflect the incoming light in a way people′s eye can′t detect you are there (C2′s nanosuit).
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Post » Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:47 am

i′m not feeling right now about thinking if I like the list or not but there is 1 thing that caught my attention:

You realize the laser is literally a light beam comming out of your gun, right? How are you supossed to make a nanouit cloack light itself? More importantly, you know what cloak is, right? Is a system that either uses nanocameras and nanoscreens to show a image exact to what′s around it (I′m pretty sure C1′s nanosuit used that system) or reflect the incoming light in a way people′s eye can′t detect you are there (C2′s nanosuit).

Yes I realise that, the issue in C2 was that if you ledgegrabbed while in cloak your laser would become visible, it wasn't meant to be visible though. ;) So either they make it visible or they make it cloaked.
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Post » Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:51 am

IMO under "Important things I want" you should put in this:
> Bug fixing/patching support for an extended period of time, or until 99.9% of all critical/major bugs are resolved.

It's just as important as anything else, the game will NOT come out of Beta bug-free.

You have to admit it achieves absolutely nothing. Noobs votekick good players, noobs don't know how to votekick hackers, hackers have hacks that bypass the votekick, blah blah blah. Stupid, and it should not be in Crysis 3.
I disagree, you're still thinking inside C2's box. The ONLY reason everything you mentioned above happened is due to C2 having some of the worst name-handling I have seen when it comes to characters/syntax/unicode. And If Crytek repeat the same mistake with naming in C3 then they will be...I'm not going to say it, but just imagine me making up some of the worst insults that ever existed in mankind's era.

The primary driving force behind hackers always revolved around names and nothing else. Let me put it this way - once a decent number of people had figured out how to kick funny hacker names, it simply wasn't rewarding for the hacker to get only a few minutes of mass-kill before getting vote-kicked from the server (sometimes as short as 10 seconds if lots of clan members/veterans were playing) and not being able to come back in for a while. They were spending more time sitting out of servers than hacking, which defeated the purpose and "fun" of cheating.

Anyway to get straight to the point, server admins should have the option to DISABLE votekicks if they want. But public servers which don't have admins absolutely NEED a votekick, otherwise they will be nothing short of chaos. *Ideally* Crytek should be dealing with hackers and exploit-abusers quickly and keeping public servers clean, but we all know how that turned out.

Despite all the times I've been votekicked by newbies, I'm fine with it. It doesn't happen anywhere near as often as having a match ruined by a hacker (which is around ~75% of matches these days). If it means helping deprive hackers from another few minutes of ruining the game for a whole group of players, it's worth keeping it in. In C3 using scripts/unicode with names should be impossible if Crytek do their job and learn from mistakes, everyone will have the power to swiftly votekick suspicious hackers and deprive them of their fun.

On custom/clan servers feel free to have votekick disabled.
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Post » Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:04 am

Kinda controversial for me is that you said "Gauss one shot kill" AND "balanced weapons". If they'd make the gauss a 1shot weapon they would have to change everything.

I'd rather like the gauss to be a one shot kill on short distances (20 m or so) as a chest shot with an probability of 20% or so.

And hell no, I love the ltag. It's an awesome weapon.
It'd be better if you could put restriction for weapons in your server just as in bf3.
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:10 am

Kinda controversial for me is that you said "Gauss one shot kill" AND "balanced weapons". If they'd make the gauss a 1shot weapon they would have to change everything.

I'd rather like the gauss to be a one shot kill on short distances (20 m or so) as a chest shot with an probability of 20% or so.

And hell no, I love the ltag. It's an awesome weapon.
It'd be better if you could put restriction for weapons in your server just as in bf3.

And one shot kill if ya don't have armour enabled :p
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:19 am

Zuvial, names have nothing to do, for the 7 years I′ve been playing multiplayers I can tell, one you reach certain ammount of skill level in a game, most noobs will never difference you from a hacker.

And, in exchange, some idi*t will be using speedhack or an aimbot and the noobs like m*rrons will just ignore them.

It doesn′t matter how well known your name is, if you are at the top of certain game to the point no one can compete with you anymore you will be banned everywhere you put a foot in. Noobs don′t care about hacking, all they care about is not getting their asses kicked, and that′s where votekick plays it′s worst role.
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:48 am

I agree with pretty much everything on the list, War_Spirit.

I also think you are a very good fit for a community veteran: All these desires come from the best parts of Crysis and the best parts of Crysis 2: For some reason, EA mods and PR tend to ignore that Crysis 1 ever existed beyond "jungle grafixxx".

What I would add to this list:
- No MP/SP disparity feature-wise (same available modules, same movement actions like for instance being able to sprint while reloading or ADS while powerjumping in Single Player too)
- Support for custom game modifiers (like in Call of Duty: Black Ops where you can make a server with more health and faster movement speed, restrict certain weapons...) OR autodownload of multiplayer gameplay mods
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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:59 am

I agree with pretty much everything on the list, War_Spirit.

I also think you are a very good fit for a community veteran: All these desires come from the best parts of Crysis and the best parts of Crysis 2: For some reason, EA mods and PR tend to ignore that Crysis 1 ever existed beyond "jungle grafixxx".

What I would add to this list:
- No MP/SP disparity feature-wise (same available modules, same movement actions like for instance being able to sprint while reloading or ADS while powerjumping in Single Player too)
- Support for custom game modifiers (like in Call of Duty: Black Ops where you can make a server with more health and faster movement speed, restrict certain weapons...) OR autodownload of multiplayer gameplay mods

Crysis 2 had server mods? On 360 anyways, do you mean ranked?
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Alycia Leann grace
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Post » Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:52 am

There is no balanced game on the market that have one-shot-kill weapon.
Maybe Gauss should be 1hk on power mode, and 2sh on armor, but that's furthest it can go as I can imagine it in c3.

PS. now when I composed the message, I see some people said the same thing, oh well..
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maya papps
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Post » Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:52 am

Gauss can easily be balanced to be a one shot weapon, it was in Crysis Wars. Just have smaller clip, and one shot to the chest/head.

It would be a great counter to the new auto armour perk.
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Post » Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:32 am

-First person and third person Spectator Mode
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:36 am

I agree with pretty much everything on the list, War_Spirit.

I also think you are a very good fit for a community veteran: All these desires come from the best parts of Crysis and the best parts of Crysis 2: For some reason, EA mods and PR tend to ignore that Crysis 1 ever existed beyond "jungle grafixxx".

What I would add to this list:
- No MP/SP disparity feature-wise (same available modules, same movement actions like for instance being able to sprint while reloading or ADS while powerjumping in Single Player too)
- Support for custom game modifiers (like in Call of Duty: Black Ops where you can make a server with more health and faster movement speed, restrict certain weapons...) OR autodownload of multiplayer gameplay mods

Crysis 2 had server mods? On 360 anyways, do you mean ranked?

Crysis 2 had server mods on PC, but everyone needed to be running the same mod from the Mods menu in the Singleplayer section of the Main Menu, which means all of the members needed to know of the mod beforehand and possibly know each other to set up a game.
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Stephanie Kemp
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Post » Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:14 am

-Invisible Walls
-Bugged Weapons
-Delay Before Killfeed Shows
-Delay before Chat Message Shows
-Orbital Lagg
-Windows that cause lagg when smashed en masse
-Usernames with crazy symbols
all these are important IMO.
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neil slattery
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Post » Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:29 am

Yeah, but sniping was not the same as in Crysis 2. If you can snipe like in crysis 2 and the gauss would be a one shot weapon the balance gets destroyed.

The sniping in cw was more similar to bf even though it's still different
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Post » Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:53 pm

I really want the killfeed fixed. :( I saw in the most recent MP trailer that it the exact same as Crysis, it really svcks. Killfeed needs to be instantaneous.
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brandon frier
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Post » Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:35 pm

The chat and friend list also need redesigning! They were very bad and rushed
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