Look at the immense problems Call of Duty has had with the Ghost, Assassin, Cold Blooded perks. It creates a huge imbalance in the game. It got worse when COD took out Stopping Power, basically our equivalent to Stealth Enhance.
Please do not include the Blind Spot module when the game ships, everyone is going to be using this module.
Another thing, when on a team and guys call in radars back to back, either have it extend the life of the radar or make the radar more frequent. By doing this and removing Blind Spot it keeps the radar honest for everyone and levels the playing field for that part of the game.
Don't get me wrong Blind Spot might be an excellent module for the Hunter Mode or for other specialized modes where the player can only choose pre-set load outs. But as far as using Blind Spot in the customizable load out, it will be the most used stealth module, I guarantee it.