Another rule of mine is: Don't use enchanting to boost your armor rating (shield) elemental resistance. In addition, spell-making only allowed to combine a 100% copy of two spells I know. (for example, if I want to make a fire spell with soul trap, I could combine the 8 damage spell and the 20 second soul trap spell, if I know them both).
Too many non-combat skills will, naturally, make the character less powerful. In addition, having blade, blunt and h2h at the same time as major skills is far from ideal for great difficulties.
Basically, I need a rough estimate of just how hard a difficulty you can tackle with each starting class.
Here's an expanded list, of all classes (can be created with custom character creation):
Stealth: Lover, Serpent, Shadow, Thief, Steed.
Combat: Lady, Lord, Tower, Warrior.
Magic: Apprentice, Atronarch, Mage, Ritual.
-Acrobat- Stealth
-Assassin- Stealth
-Bard- Stealth
-Monk- Stealth
-Pilgrim- Stealth
-Thief- Stealth
-Archer- Combat
-Barbarian- Combat
-Crusader- Combat
-Knight- Combat
-Rogue- Combat
-Scout- Combat
-Warrior- Combat
-Battlemage- Magic
-Healer- Magic
-Mage- Magic
-Nightblade- Magic
-Sorcerer- Magic
-Spellsword- Magic
-Witchhunter- Magic
Here's a rough estimate of the difficulty. (50 is the default difficulty in oblivion, 1 is all the way to left and 100 is all the way to the right):
-Acrobat- Stealth --- : Thief --- 60
-Agent-Stealth --- : Shadow --- 47
-Assassin- Stealth --- : Serpent --- 59
-Bard- Stealth --- : Lover --- 59
-Monk- Stealth --- : Steed --- 48
-Pilgrim- Stealth --- : Lover --- 59
-Thief- Stealth --- : Thief --- 48
-Archer- Combat --- : Lady --- 59
-Barbarian- Combat --- : Warrior --- 58
-Crusader- Combat --- : Lord --- 57
-Knight- Combat --- : Warrior --- 60
-Rogue- Combat --- : Lady --- 59
-Scout- Combat --- : Tower --- 59
-Warrior- Combat --- : Warrior --- 60
-Battlemage- Magic --- : Mage --- 58
-Healer- Magic --- : Atronarch --- 51
-Mage- Magic --- : Mage --- 50
-Nightblade- Magic --- : Apprentice --- 62
-Sorcerer- Magic --- : Apprentice --- 56
-Spellsword- Magic --- : Mage --- 64
-Witchhunter- Magic --- : Ritual --- 47