The Morag Tong, at least in the time period during TES III, was sanctioned by the Empire but only in Morrowind. Everywhere else they would have been outlaws just like the Dark Brotherhood. But, there is no reason that the laws can't have changed, and we could see the Morag Tong's activities spread from just Morrowind into Skyrim as well. I think it would make an excellent story line, Morag Tong vs Dark Brotherhood.
If I'm correct, Morrowind isn't the greatest place to live anymore. It wouldn't surprise me to see the Morog Tong elsewhere. Also, even if the laws haven't changed doesn't mean that people aren't willing to break them. There have been several cases where the Morog Tong has ventured over their homeland's borders.
Thanks AkaviriSoldier, I stand corrected. :foodndrink:
I like what The Gloomweaver said. Just because there stationed in Morrowind doesn't mean the can't travel outward. How do you think all of Remen's heirs died? Unless they all happened to be in Morrowind that day. :3
I think a MT vs DB story line would be great!