The shortcut was on my desktop because I HAD purchased the game already. The game was no longer installed because it wasn't worth the price I paid. When blatant corporate greed takes over a ground-breaking First-person shooter, which had a sequel that was "ported" to all possible platforms, leading to cost-cutting, feature reduction, and arbitrary, over-hyped cut scenes at the expense of REAL gameplay; when saving and free-roaming is removed in order to cut expenses and drive the plot along so it resembles the old-style rail games, mitigated only by mediocre graphics, I see no reason to buy Crysis 3. I'm sure it's too late, that Crytek has moved too far down the road to Craptek. I will NOT uninstall this verson of C2 that I just re-purchased, but only so I can remind myself why I shouldn't purchase C3. And for those fanboys/sychophants who don't remember what gameplay SHOULD be, and are merely content to plop mommy's credit card down to buy the latest 60-minute distraction aimed at those with the mythical A.D.D, come talk to me 10 years from now, when gaming has devolved to whack-a-mole with a lot of pretty colors.