Post » Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:48 am

Hello customers !
_ I want sell cvv , Bank Login , Acc paypal , Tranfer Wu High Balance Good
_ And dumps with pin , rdp , smtp , ship ...
_ And I Need Good Buyer For Business Long Time With Me
_ Sell cvv fresh - fast and good frice
_ And WU BUG Software

_ Please contact me YAHOO : boss.hackercvv
=> (no spam)
=> MAIL: boss.hackercvv@yahoo.com
cvv :
I cc Sell for: US,UK,CA,EURO (gemany,brazil,france...)
CC fullz info, CC DOB....Domain hosting.
My price : HAVE good price for Big buyer .

===> Us..!
- (visa,master) = 3$
- (amex,discover) = 5$
- (bin) = 10$
- (dob) = 15$
- (fullz) = 40$
===> UK..!
- (vsa,master) = 8$
- (amex,discover) = 10$
- (bin) = 15$
- (dob) = 25$
- (fullz) = 50$
===> CA..!
- (visa,master) = 12$
- (amex,discover) = 15$
- (bin) = 15$
- (dob) = 20$
- (fullz) = 40$
===> AU..!
- (visa,master) = 10$
- (amex,discover) = 12$
- (bin) = 17$
- (dob) = 20$
- (fullz) = 30$
===> Eu..!
- (visa,master) = 15$
- (amex,discover) = 17$
- (bin) = 25$
- (dob) = 30$
- (fullz) = 40$

=======> Cc, Cvv Country..!
- Au = 15$
- Ca = 15$
- Eu = 20$
- Italy = 20$
- Spain = 20$
- Denmark = 25$
- Sweden = 20$
- France = 18$
- Germany = 18$
- Ireland = 17$
- New zeland = 18$
- Switherland = 18$
- Slovakia = 20$
- Netherlands = 15$
- Mexico=15$
- Middle East = 15$
- Asia = 15$

--------- Dumps / Track 1&2 For Price ----------

- Tracks 1&2 US = 85$ for 1
- Tracks 1&2 UK = 100$ for 1
- Tracks 1&2 CA = 110$ for 1
- Tracks 1&2 AU = 110$ for 1
- Tracks 1&2 EU = 120$ for 1

+ Will check with hight balance
Pin: 5678,5432,5187,5505,and much pin other


Type WU BUG Software i sell and many ....
_ WU - BUG 2012 : 800$
_ WU - BUG (change data location and money use ): 500$
_ WU - BUG V7.1 (NEW) : 300$
_ WU - BUG 7.2 : 500$
_ WU - BUG TRANFER : 600$
_ wu - SOFTWARE WITH BANK LOG IN AND Activation Code : 700$

== Prices For Western Union Online ====

Transfer(Eu,Uk,Asia,Canada,Us,France,Germany,Italy and very

easy to cashout African

1000$ = 100$
1500$ = 150$
2000$ = 200$
2500$ = 250$
5000$ = 500$
10000$ = 600$
12000$ = 800$
15000$ = 1000$
20000$ = 1200$
I tranfer wu software 15minute you have all infor from sender
it is good price tranfer for frist time we business if u are 1 good buyer i will send price very cheap next time ....
- Bank Us :
. Balance 3000$ = 300$
. Balance 5000$ = 500$
. Balance 12000$ = 800$
. Balance 15000$ = 1000$
. Balance 20000$ = 1200$
- Bank UK :
. Balance 5000 GBP = 500$
. Balance 12000 GBP = 800$
. Balance 16000 GBP = 900$
. Balance 20000 GBP = 1400$
. Balance 30000 GBP = 1600$

-Sell Paypal with pass email = 100 $ /paypal
-Sell Paypal don't have pass email = 50 $ /Paypal
-Sell Visa Debit US : 120$
-Sell Paypal Veritified with balance 2000$ = 300$
-Sell Paypal Veritified with balance 8000$ = 500$
-Sell Paypal Veritified with balance 15000$= 1000$

I have paypal software and also do tranfer

=============> Ship (Laptop/Iphone/Ipad) <=============

- The price of transportation of high-end electronics
= Laptop Apple = 240$
= Laptop HP + Dell = 120$
= Laptop Toshiba + Samsung = 120$
= Laptop Vaio = 200$
= Iphone 3GS = 120$
= Iphone 4G = 150$
= Iphone 4GS = 180$
= Ipad2 = 180$
= Black Berry = 130$

Conditions of sale :

1. Please Dont ask CC FREE, CC TEST. I dont have time with CC FREE and CC TEST.
2. If you want to test you must send money for me.
You Send money => I send cvv2 good
3. I only accept payment with WU or LR (libertyreserve.com)
4. If you are seller please don’t contact me.
5. Business with pay first i send infor , not business % .
- Im looking for who can work together
- I am very happy to serve you long time, thanks!
= > Please add me when you trust me,I will business good with all customer
Infor contact me :

Yahoo : boss.hackercvv
MAIL : boss.hackercvv@yahoo.com

------( contact : boss.hackercvv@yahoo.com )----------

>>>>> Thanks all read my post ....... hope to see you soon /strong>

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Juanita Hernandez
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Joined: Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:36 am

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